How to decline a Primordial

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For a three weeks now, I've been on the run. I've brought about eleven half-bloods to camp and seven girls to the Hunters. They all know me as Landon. A few of the smarter ones asked if that was really my name. I smiled and answered, "If I told you my name, I don't know what might happen to you. But it's not." I remembered every single person I've found. Their story if they told it, their name, personality, looks. All of it.

Today I had another charge to pick up. It was a girl with an abusive past. I was always sympathetic to those people especially.

I headed towards Southern Maine, where the girl was located. I remembered something briefly and laughed. Grover was right. Maine was nice this time of year.

I didn't know much about the girl, but Artemis seemed to know I was there to help them so she set up a way to speak to me and get my help for recruiting.

I gladly accepted.

I used mist traveling to get there fast. It's like shadow travel with water in the air. Helped me out a lot over the weeks. And probably years to come. Hopefully years to come.

I appeared outside the house. I was left gaping at it.

It was a small, little red-brick building with a window on each side of the cube. But what had me gaping was what I saw through the window. I put my hoodie up and entered the house.

The first thing I noticed was the smell.


Blood and death. That's all I could make out. I hurried through the house, purposefully not looking at the floor.

As I was searching, I heard a small scream and a follow up slap.

My face hardening, I charged in the direction of the noise. I threw open the door.

All at once I saw a dead body of a beautiful women on the floor. I saw a father slapping a little 8-year old girl until she was unconscious screaming her mother's name.

In one swift movement I brought out my knife and impaled the man through the chest. I gently set him down so as to let the girl have peace from noise. I looked at the mother. I decided I'd let the daughter decide what to do. I packed a small bag of things for the girl and sat down, waiting for her to come to.

About 15 minutes later, I heard a groan. I looked at her on the bed and my heart melted.

She didn't ask for any of this. Neither did her mom. I could see a light aura around the child. I could only guess she was a demigod.

I have a small smile. Her mother payed protecting her like mine did. But mine didn't pay for it like this.

The smile disappeared. My head lowered. My mom still doesn't know where I am. She probably thinks I'm dead.

I heard a scream. It was hoarse, but still there. I looked up at the girl. She saw her dad and mom and then me.

Timidly she asked, "Did you kill him?"

No use denying. "Yes. I did. I just wish I was earlier. I'm so sorry about your mother."

She looked shocked. "Thank you." She sniffled. "Why are you here?"

I smiled at her. "An offer. There is a place I can take you, free from men. Like one big happy family of girls. I can take you there. You'd love it."

She smiled. "I'd love that. Thank you, sir."

I chuckled. "No need to call me that. My name is Landon."

She grinned. "I'm Kiana." She said this like Key-awn-uh.

Decline of Power (Percy Jackson Chaos/Khaos Story)Where stories live. Discover now