Chapter 10- Girl Time

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Emry's P.O.V-

It has been a couple days since that disastrous non date, date. I have been ignoring Sam's calls, texts, and Facebook Messages. Also Eli was calling and texting me, but I was ignoring him too. I just wanted to be left alone, and did not want to talk to anyone. My mom and dad tried to ask me what was wrong but I just told them it was another one of my bad migraines, and brushed it off. They don't need to know what is going on with me and my private life, also because I don't even know what is going on.

I wake up on Thursday around 11:00pm and decide I was just going to stay in my pajamas again today. What was the point of getting dressed when I wasn't leaving the house? Also I wanted to be comfy while I make finishing touches on my lesson plan for the year, and packing my stuff to move into Sam's apartment, soon to be our apartment tomorrow. I was excited to be finally living on my own, sort of. At least I would not be living with my parents anymore.

It was just past noon when I heard the front door open, and slam shut. I can hear heels hitting the floor, and I already know it is Sam, because my mom sure does not wear heels. "Hi Sam, why are you here? And why are you slamming doors?" She stands in front of me, "Oh shut up Emry Hope Ash, I am so mad at you. You are going to listen to me, and listen good. First you are going to go shower and change, then we are going to go have lunch where you will talk to me about why you have been acting so weird lately, ignoring me, and left Eli Saturday night. And then we will go see Magic Mike 2 because come on Channing Tatum! I just sat there shocked that she yelled at me like that and she knew I ran out on Eli, but then again I should have known she would have found out. So instead of fighting her I did as told.

An hour and half later we were eating lunch down at our favorite café, and there I was telling Sam everything. From how I felt when I first saw Eli Saturday night, at dinner about the waitress, how I felt when he touched my lower back, held my hand, and then in his office when we talked and he kissed me. "I froze at first, and then kissed him back and felt I don't know fireworks go off in my head or something? And then freaked out because what did all this mean. I mean he said that it wasn't a pity date, and he really liked me and I was beautiful. And I had no idea how to process everything so I fled and went home and cried myself to sleep. And I ignored you because I didn't know what to say. And now we are here"

Sam just stared at me, then sadness seemed to cloud her eyes. "Sweetie, why do you always berate yourself? I know you have always been picked on, or made fun of, or even put down and even by your family. But what you don't realize is you are beautiful inside and out, you are amazing, smart, and fucking awesome! And here is this guy who can't stop thinking about you, and kissed you. Can't you see how much this guy likes you? Just give him a chance, open up to him maybe just maybe he would be good for you."

I thought about what she said, maybe I could give Eli a chance. I mean for some crazy reason he did seem to like me and I don't know why, but maybe I should give him a chance. Also he seemed determined anyways I mean he still called and texted me every day trying to talk to me. "Okay I will give it a shot." "Good because he is determined to get you to open up, and also him and Evan are helping us move you tomorrow. Don't hate me!" "WHAT?!?! Why are you just now telling me this? I am not ready just yet to see him. I need more time, why?" "Well because he said he was not going to stop pursuing you, and he looked like a lost little puppy, and I felt bad because all he wants to do is get to know you better, and you won't open up. So I gave him an opportunity to get to you with my help. Because I love you, so tomorrow we have two hot guys helping us move your stuff in." "Oooohhh god" Well I had no way to get out of this now, so tomorrow morning I would be seeing Eli, I wasn't sure how to feel. Sick to my stomach? Or excited? I think I was feeling both.

Author's Note-

Well Emry didn't take that news very well. But at least she is finally willing to give it a try with Eli, get to know him, and see where life can take her. She seems so scared, what do you think? Thank you guys so much for reading! It means so much to me!!

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