chapter five: fumbled

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They were all in a hurry to exit the rooftop and climb down the ladder, Kiara accidentally stepping on JJ's hand. 

JJ lost his grip on the ladder and came toppling down, bringing Pope down with him. Pope's telephoto camera dropped to the ground with them and shattered, fumbling the recording they had previously risked their life for.

In the midst of her panic, Kiara called the cops on Ward for murdering Gavin. Luckily for Ward, once the cops finally arrived at the construction site, Ward had cleaned up the crime scene.

All four Pogues stood with Sheriff Shoupe on the rooftop where Gavin was murdered. Since the camera was broken and Ward had somehow managed to hide the body and clean up the blood, the teenagers sounded genuinely crazy.

"Okay, how long ago did you say it happened?" The sheriff asked.

"Forty-five minutes ago, Shoupe," JJ sighed in annoyance after already answering the same question three times.

"Let me get this straight," The older man sighed, "Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him?"

"Yes," Kiara nodded, hoping Shoupe was finally starting to understand.

"Right... So he then cleaned it all up in forty-five minutes?" Shoupe asked, raising a brow in disbelief.

"Obviously," Pope said.

"We filmed the entire thing," Kiara told him, revealing a new piece of information.

Sheriff Shoupe's eyes shot up, "You filmed it?"

"Yes, but we can't show it to you because Brook was telling me to hurry so I did, and then I stepped on JJ's hand, and then he fell on Pope, and then Pope dropped the camera so it broke because it's a piece of shit- " Kiara tried to explain.

"It's not a piece of shit!" Pope defended, "It's called a telephoto and we needed to get a long-distance image and- and... well, I fell and it broke so the video is basically unusable."

Shoupe scoffed, "So the dog ate your homework?"

"No, Shoupe. I know it sounds-" Kiara started.

"Look, I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this!" Shoupe said.

"We expect you to do your job," Brooklynn retorted.

The sheriff ignored the teenager and continued, "You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing."

"No, it's not nothing," Kiara tried to reason with the cop.

"Except for some crazy stories about how Ward Cameron's out on a random killing spree," Shoupe said, his voice getting louder in agitation. 

"We're not making this up!" JJ yelled.

"It's not a random killing spree. Gavin was his pilot," Pope told the older man.

"He's the one who flew the gold out to the Bahamas," Brooklynn said.

"Yes, and Ward was paying Gavin hush money because he was on the tarmac that day," Pope explained.

"Gavin was blackmailing Ward because he had the gun Rafe used to kill Peterkin," Kiara added.

Shoupe's teeth grit at the mention of his old mentor, his hands momentarily rolling into fists as he listened to the four teens ramble.

"Ward called him here and tried to pay him off. But it wasn't enough, so he shot him!" JJ angrily explained.

Brooklynn could feel JJ seething next to her so she grabbed his hand to try to calm him down, but he shrugged her off. Brooklynn frowned at his action but continued to stare at Shoupe in anticipation.

"How do you know that?" Shoupe asked.

"Pope did this thing with his phone. He, like, put it in Gavin's car and-" Kiara tried to explain.

Pope shook his head at her, cutting the Carerra girl off, "I heard their whole conversation."

Brooklynn sighed, hearing Pope admit to their illegal activity.

Shoupe's eyes widened, "You wiretapped him?"

"Is that bad?" Kiara questioned.

"Yes, I told you that-" Brooklynn started.

"Stop," Shoupe told them, "Just stop. I've had enough."

Shoupe started down the stairwell, ignoring the yells from the desperate teenagers behind him.

"Are you just gonna look the other way again?" JJ scoffed, following Shoupe closely as he made his way down the stairs and out onto the road.

"There's nothing up there. False alarm!" Shoupe called to his fellow officers who waited outside.

"No! Don't go home," Kiara pleaded, "There's no false alarm. Why would we make this up?"

"Can't you just do your job for like five seconds?" Brooklynn shouted after the Sheriff.

Whipping around, Shoupe met Brooklynn's eye, "I know you're upset. And I know you all think your friend is innocent."

"He is!" Kiara shouted, interrupting the man.

"But you weren't there," Shoupe said to Kiara.

"Okay, but I was!" Brooklynn spoke up, "And-"

"And you've already submitted your statement," Shoupe finished for her.

Brooklynn stood speechless, feeling everyone's eyes on her. She had unknowingly to her friends, submitted a statement, claiming she was unsure who exactly it was that shot Peterkin.

A day after John B and Sarah were proclaimed dead, Mark took Brooklynn to the police station and forced her to speak on the record. 

Her exact words were; 'To be honest, I didn't exactly see what happened. My eyes were on Sarah when I heard a gun go off. When I looked at the Sheriff, I saw she had been shot. Rafe had appeared out of nowhere, but no gun, other than the one Peterkin held was in sight.'

Submitting her statement, Brooklynn knew that wasn't the truth. But it didn't blame the crime on either Rafe or John B. But Brooklynn didn't know if she lied for her father's sake or if she still had a smidge of care left for Rafe.

"I saw your little art project on Ward's wall," Sheriff Shoupe said to Kiara, "Do not do that again."

"Oh, come on!" Kiara moaned.

"Go home," Shoupe ordered the teens as he climbed into his cop cruiser and drove away.

JJ sighed, "I told you guys this would happen."

"We're not out of this yet," Pope told his friends, "We can still go get the gun tomorrow."



netflix having ads now pisses me off so much. no way im spending 10 more dollars to go ad free tho lmfao.

i chose to not include the argument that jj and kiara had after shoupe drove away because i found it really unnecessary. also whoever scripted their argument did an absolute ass job. the argument seemed really forced, but madison and rudy still ate up their acting portion.

-destany <3

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