F O U R - Follow Me

Start from the beginning

Josslyn looks up toward the sound of his voice. She sighs. "I know. I'm sorry to have made it so hard on. I'm just...so tired of chasing the fog. I'm made friends in Minnesota. I wasn't ready to leave." She looks toward the morning mist collecting in the valley. "Edwin, you exists solely to be with me, but sometimes I think you forget that I want to exist for others as well. I need friends and a community, a place where I can belong."

Edwin wasn't going to argue. She's right. He's unduly overprotective of her - another trait that needs reining in.

He smiles. "Of course. I've got a good feeling about this place, Josslyn. This is going to be an exciting chapter of our lives - for you and for me."

She smirks, "that's if you can drag me into the mist." she passively encourages him.

He grins mischievously. Her wish is his command. "Follow me."


She follows the sound of his voice as she runs through a wet meadow that cascades across the Willamette River Valley. The thick mist resides just ahead. The moist air holds suspended water particles that tickle her skin and glisten her hair with specks of diamond like gems reflecting off the sun's golden glow.

She glances down at the vintage satchel hanging across her body. She smiles. She's used this old thing for over 18 years, for as long as she's been chasing the sound of his voice into the depths of the morning mist. It's battered and torn, yet held together by amateur stitches of multicolor thread, yarn, and love.

She looks to her right and gasps. Hugging the edge of the dense forest gallops a majestic mature buck with antlers that stretch to the sky. He jumps back into the forest. She startled him as much as he startled her.

"You've gotten slow!" Edwin teases her.

"Shut up and run!" She retaliates playfully.

She propels faster, closing in on the sound of his voice as she relinquishes herself into in the thick morning mist harboring underneath the towering Douglas- firs. The mist swallows her in, stripping colors off her mid-thigh yellow dress; her jean jacket, the red of her hair and the pink flush of her cheeks.

The natural landscape around her seems to materialize only to evaporate the instant she flies by it. All her senses come to life as she chases him deeper into the forest, jumping over logs, grabbing onto trees, crushing wet moss and moist soil underneath her feet. She feels like a performer on stage as the Song Sparrows sings and the trickling streams repercussion to her racing heartbeat.

"C'mon already!" She yells at Edwin. It's been too long since she's held him, touched him, and made love to him.

"Pants!" he shouts.

She smiles. She's practiced this routine since she was seven years old. She grabs his jean from her satchel and flings it toward the sound of his voice. She sees it snatched in midair. It hops, springing up and down as his invisible legs slip in one end then the other.

"Don't slow!" He runs up a naturally formed embankment. "Shirt!"

She grabs his shirt from the satchel and throws it in the direction of his voice. It too, is snatched in thin air and quickly slipped over his head.


She nods and tosses him his pair; each side hops on one foot then the other. He is an invisible man running through the forest and wearing clothes that doesn't comprise of a body.

She pulls a lock of hair behind her ears, "hurry!" She can't contain her excitement.

Then, like a vacuum, the wet mist begins to suck in toward his energy, swirling and looping, forcing combinations of atoms and chemical compilations of yet undiscovered physics and chemistry.

He is bonding into physical form.

Josslyn's mouth hangs open in awe and her eyes widen in pure amazement. Every time is as exhilarating as its predecessor. Her obsession with this invisible man is finite. Like the lemniscate, it increases without limit, without a beginning and ending.

She shields her eyes from the blinding light, then like slow motion from out a movie, her man emerges into this worldly dimension. Edwin turns to look at Josslyn and begins running backwards. "Hi beautiful." He grins like a little boy; a set of dimples digs deep in both cheeks, "nice to see you again."

Josslyn laughs, "That's my line!"


This is a short chapter. I apologize.

I hope I've been able to convey how beautiful this scene is because it is NOT easy :) I listened to The Paper Kites: St. Clarity to help me envision the scene where they run through the meadow into the forest. I think you really get the full effect of its beauty if you listen to the song. Would love to hear what you think!

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I am in Love with an Invisible Man [Completed][ParanormalRomance]Where stories live. Discover now