It's So Easy.

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I scan over the records before me. Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Black Sabbath, Mötley Crüe - I mean, the list is endless. Rock music has always been my escape. You just have to admire Ringo Starr, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, and Robert Plant. Their talent is so incredible that it is not even possible to compare to them.
Lost in my thoughts, I shake my head then return back to reality. So many records, so many choices...
"Need any help?" I hear someone ask.
"Yeah," I continue looking at the records. "I can't decide which ones to get."
His voice, closer this time, sends chills down my spine,"Why don't I just get them all for you?"
Confused, I whirl around to see this insane guy. The air leaves my lungs at the heavenly sight of him. From his signature top hat to his expensive sneakers, he is pure perfection.
"Y-you're Sl-" I bow quickly and start stuttering over words.
Out of absolutely nowhere, Slash bursts into a fit of laughter. Unsure what to think, I just admire his beautiful, godly smile that is immensely breathtaking. Is Slash really standing in front of me, laughing for no reason? Quickly, I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing an Aerosmith v-neck, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Is it my hair?
"Stop," he wheezes, just laughing harder. "You look great. You bowed to me." His roaring laughter doesn't end there.
I chuckle. He's right. I did. I am such a dork. I embarrassed myself in front of one of my favorite people.
"Okay," he sucks in some air, still grinning. "That was the funniest thing ever. I'll carry your records to the cash register." He picks up The Beatles' Revolver, then I yank it from his hands.
"You don't even know me. Why would you buy me this?"
His hypnotic dark eyes meet mine with utter confusion,"I want to know you."
"Are you joking?" A smile spreads across my face as I laugh. "You're Slash, one of the coolest guys ever, and you want to know me? "
Rolling his eyes with another heart-stopping beam, he insists,"I'd really like to get you the records, and it is great music."
Reluctantly, I agree, and he carries the 7 records to the cash register.
Instead of focusing on what he says or does, I just take the time to adore him. He's flawless. I want him way more than the records. What girl doesn't, though? Slash's hair looks even better in person. I just want to run my fingers through his hair, down his hard chest, -
Chuckling attractively, he questions,"Enjoying the view?"
I blush in response and reach for the bag, but he carries it instead. We walk out of the store and into the nightlife of L.A.
"Do you want me to bring you home?" Slash asks, the lights of nearby stores making him look even more handsome.
I raise my eyebrows with a surprised grin,"Well, I didn't thank you for the records."
"You don't have to," this legendary, down-to-earth guy shrugs.
Fuck it. He's Slash. I'll never get this opportunity again.
I walk up to him and tangle my fingers into his soft, amazing hair, looking deeply into his seductive eyes. With my heart pounding turbulently, I press my lips onto his as butterflies invade my stomach. He doesn't push me away.
Slash wraps his arms around me securely, pulling my body against his. His boner digs into my lower stomach; I moan softly and feel him grin. Around us, the world fades away, and it's just he and I completely lost in each other. His tounge spreads my lips apart and dances with mine in the most sensual way.
Breathlessly, he pulls his mouth from mine,"My hotel room?"
I nod, the image of his mouth on mine flashing in my mind.

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