Marinette was at her wits' end. Who knew kwamis could suffer from hayfever?
Okay, so maybe it wasn't hay fever in the most conventional of ways, it was more like an allergy to some cheap material Marinette had ordered through eBay. Despite that, Tikki continued to sneeze like a woodpecker on caffeine tapping Morse code.
Marinette grabbed the iPad and began flicking through the grimoire for ideas. She had a date with Adrien later that evening and the last thing she wanted was to out herself thanks to her kwami's allergic reaction to a specialist cotton.
'There's got to be something I can give you to stop this. Some kind of antihistamine.'
'I—' achoo! '—don't' achoo! '—know!' Achoo, achoo!
Marinette slammed her hands to her head before collapsing on the table, her head banging, once, twice, three times on the iPad. 'There must be something! I just need to use my head!'
'Marinette! LOOK!' a thick snot-like voice called to her. She lifted her head to Tikki who was looking down at the bright screen. It seems using her head was indeed the best idea, as now, on the screen, was a recipe for a rather complex medicine.
Lifting the device, Marinette studied the ingredients. It seemed straightforward in essence, nothing out of the ordinary. But the mixing looked a bit of a challenge. The whole thing seemed to take two hours, so...
She looked at the time on her phone, checking how long she had until meeting Adrien.
Three hours. Excellent.
If she started now then it would be done by the time she had to leave...which would also be great if there happened to be an akuma. Marinette was almost certain she wouldn't be able to transform whilst Tikki was sneezing her own theme tune.
With a new found optimism, Marinette gathered the ingredients and found her home chemistry set. She was the guardian. She could do this. What could possibly go wrong?
Marinette walked backwards and forwards, her thumbnail slowly being chewed down to the quick as she studied the three kwamis in front of her.
Everything had been going to plan. She'd got the ingredients, cut them properly, and added them to the mix at the most perfect time. Everything had been going swimmingly. Everything until Tikki sneezed into the mix. It seemed the added kwami snot was the downfall to the recipe.
After taking an overfilled spoon of medicine, Tikki sneezed again, though this time two balls of light shot out from her nostrils like popcorn kernels from a cannon...and that's how they found themselves in quite the situation with only forty minutes until she needed to meet Adrien.
'I'm sorry, Marinette.' Tikki looked down, her fins playing together in front of her.
Marinette pouted, unsure what to do. Two tiny kwamis flew chaotically around her room, bouncing from wall to wall and destroying everything from a desk lamp to her mannequin.
'Yeah, well, there's nothing that can be done about it at the moment.' A crash alerted Marinette to the small fox-like kwami flying head first into a poster of Adrien. She couldn't help but wince as the tiny terror put a rather unflattering piercing in her boyfriend's nose. She cupped her mouth to whisper to her kwami. 'Will I have to keep them forever? They don't have any jewellery to transform with.'
Marinette ducked just as a small white fox flew overhead. This was too much like Frozen Fever for her liking. Forget Snowgies these were magical kwamogies. Miraculogies? Okay, she'd work on the name later. But for now she needed to work on what she was going to do with two tiny magical creatures when she had a date with her love for life in the next thirty-eight minutes.

Miraculous One Shots 2024
FanfictionLove Square One Shots for 2024. All rated from T - M