Murder Family

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Moxxie was holding a crossbow but was struggling to shoot the picture of a family Loona was holding

Millie: Moxxie stop shaking! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound!

Loona: Wow I feel so loved here

Valerie: Just pull the fucking trigger!

Millie: Exactly! Just take a deep breath and let it out!

Moxxie: But... it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?

Millie: I mean if that's what the client wants

Moxxie: Maybe like a shitty dad or a mob family. That's understandable. But to eradicate an entire innocent seemingly in this instance upper middle class family bloodline?

Loona: Hey! You don't know they're innocent! The kid probably sets dogs on fire, the sister maybe gets off to bullying Australian kids online  and the dad... The dad definitely watches

Moxxie: Valerie isn't it your job to make sure we have the right target?

Valerie: Yep which is why when I tell you to shoot a child... You shoot the god damn child!!

Moxxie: I don't know...

Millie: Moxxie humans are full of secret nasties no matter how young. It's why so many of them end up here.

Moxxie: But-

Millie: Guilty and innocent aren't our business Mox. Killin who we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target

She kissed him on the cheek and he aimed his gun again

Moxxie: I just think it's a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective is all

Valerie: We don't choose who we kill. That's part of our job

Suddenly Blitzø burst in with a sinner

Blitzø: Guys I want you to meet-!

Moxxie accidentally shut his crossbow causing the arrow to hit a tank full of eels

Blitzø: Our newest client

The tank fell over and the eels slipped onto the floor


The entire room caught on fire

Valerie: ...Nice to meet you


Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie and Valerie went outside and watched their client drive away

Blitzo: don't worry we'll get that skank in less than twenty four hours or your first kill is free!

Moxxie: When did we start implementing that deal?

Blitzø grabbed Moxxie

Blitzø: When you set fire to my office IN FRONT OF A CLIENT YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT!

He threw Moxxie onto the ground

Blitzø: Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact

Valerie: Grabbed it before it could burn to ash

She held the grimoire

Valerie: You're welcome

Blitzø: Good job Vally!

Valerie: Don't call me that

Valerie gave the book to Millie who opened to portal

Blitzø: Alright people let's go lick some ass!!

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