To the boy i saw once and never again, i think of you every day
(Guys lets not judge me on the name okay u can change it in ur head if u want)
note: i've never fainted before so i apologize if the representation isn't very accurate, it's supposed to be heat exhaustion-The california sun seared my skin as i made my way around my house to the pool in the backyard.
"Hi, baby!" A familiar voice called.
"Hey Mar!" Marius and I had been dating for about a year, and he knew my family well enough and lived close enough to us that he'd often show up at our door and ask to hang out (his little sister liked hanging out with my little brother so it was a win-win).
"Hi Anna, hi James!" "HII!" they shouted before going back to canon-balling into the deep end.
Marius laughed as my lab Quincy jumped in after them. I quickly set my stuff onto a lounge chair before hopping in. Marius immediately swam over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my cheek. "EWWW!" James shouted from his end. I splashed him before facing my boyfriend. "How'd it go with Erin?" he asked. "New swimsuit I see." My cousin and I had gone shopping today. "It was fun, good eyes."
"MARIUS COME PLAY WITH US!" Anna shouted. "Sorry, baby, Marco Polo awaits." I chuckled as he swam over to them. I pulled myself up so I sat on the edge of the pool, my feet dangling into the water. I looked over to where Anna and James took turns being picked up and thrown into the water by Marius.
I couldn't peel my eyes off of him, I had a thing for guys who were good with kids, but something about the way the water droplets clung to his tan skin, his shoulders glistening and giving me a strange sensation as his arm muscles flexed.
I looked up at the clear sky. It was incredibly hot, and I was starting to get a headache, so I went inside to get a drink. I walked out and my stomach felt nauseous, I could feel my heart rate speeding up and sweat gathering on my body. The last thing I remember was a familiar voice yelling my name before strong arms wrapped around my shoulders.
-I blinked, hearing a comforting voice fill my ears.
"Hi baby." I smile, a pair of blue eyes greeting mine. "Here drink some water." I let the cool drink settle my panic as i looked around, I was back in my room, and Marius had placed a cold compress on my forehead.
"What happened?" "Heat exhaustion." he replied as if that helped me whatsoever. "The heat causes your blood vessels to expand, so with gravity everything goes to your legs, which is why you may have gotten a headache." I nodded. I didn't really care about what had happened, because with him, everything felt a little more okay, a little more familiar, a little closer to home.

To Dream Of You | short stories ✧
General FictionThese are a collection of stories I've either come up with myself or found inspiration elsewhere (i will try to mention where if that's the case) These include anything that comes to mind, including double point of views, storytelling etc... Enjoy! ...