I Don't Want To End This

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Marley's outfit for this chapter is above. Thanks for reading! (And don't worry, Marley will never get pregnant as a high schooler in this story.) Again, please share my story with as many people as you'd like because I work really really hard on this story, and thank you, because without the about three people reading this story, I literally wouldn't even be writing this far. I think I would like to continue this story as long as you would like, even maybe past high school and to their possible marriage. . . I'll leave you at that, and please comment, vote, and thanks for reading!

Marley POV
"No, Jake, I really don't want to talk. That note was so so mean, you cheated on me, and I'm already dating Ryder," I turn away from my ex-boyfriend.
"Marley, just hear me out. You've been dating him for like, five months. You got together right before Christmas and now it's May. I think he's your rebound. I've heard that you guys already say I Love You, and I bet you guys have already have sex. I-Wait, what note?"
"This note?" I pull out the typed note he left in my locker.
He grabs it out of my hands and skims it quickly. "I didn't write this, Marley. I don't even know how it got to you, I've never seen this before."
What? How is that possible? I always keep my locker locked, and only Jake, Unique, Kitty, and Ryder know my combination. Kitty was always a "Ryley" shipper, but she's my best friend, and I know she would tell me, at least by now. Unique liked Ryder, which is what caused us to drift apart, so she wouldn't encourage me to go for Ryder. Jake says he didn't do it, but Ryder. . . Has terrible spelling and writing, but. . . The note was typed. The note was saying how Jake was bad, and Ryder was good. The only person it could be is Ryder. The boy I'm in love with. The boy who said he would love me forever. Who said he would never do anything to hurt me. But this is hurting pretty bad. Without that fake note, Jake and I might still be together. I wouldn't have a rebound, as Jake said. I would still be innocent and a virgin. "Jake. It was Ryder. It couldn't be Unique, she likes Ryder and wouldn't encourage me to go for him. It couldn't be you, apparently. And Kitty is my best friend. She would tell me by now. But just in case, I'll ask her. But, I'm in love with Ryder. He got his way, and even if he did write that note, I'm never going to back you, Jake, no chance."
I walk away, slamming my locker door. It feels like I'm walking down the hallway in slow motion. My head starts to throb, and tears start to fall out of my eyes until Ryder stops me in the hallway. "Marley, are you crying? What's wrong?" He grabs my shoulder. I turn to him.
"Was it you? Who wrote that note?"
Ryder POV
That's it. I'm screwed. She's going to break up with me. She knows I wrote the note. Well, it's been fun.
"Yes. It was me, I'm so sorry, Marley. I know you probably won't forgive me, but please, please, just spare me the speech and heartbreak." I look down, disappointed in myself.
"Ry-Ryder," she stutters. "I-I-at first, I didn't believe it. It didn't seem like something you would do, you're not a notes guy." Oh, you don't know the half of it, Marley. I took away that note when we did Grease. "But, I am going to break up with you. I love you, Ryder. But, I thought you wouldn't do something like that. Yeah, everything in the note was true, but, Jake wants me back, and I took you right after we broke up. I'm not going back to Jake, either. I just don't want anything to do with boys right now. I don't want to end what we have. But I think I have to. I'm sorry. But you should be, too."
With that, she walks away, and it takes me everything to keep from stopping her or crying. I love her, and I wrote that note before any of this even happened.
Marley POV
I did it. I broke up with him. I didn't want to, but I made a mistake saying yes.

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