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The woman tossed her messy, curls out of the way, looking at the bundle in her hands with great sadness. A tear slipped down her grimy face; she didn’t want to say good bye, but the baby would be happier and healthier in the care of someone else. Someone who had money to look after her; someone who would provide her with everything she needed.

She looked up at the tall building of the SOS Children’s Home looming over her tired, scrawny figure. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to the sleeping baby’s tiny forehead. She bent down and placed the bundle in a basket, making sure her blanket was wrapped tightly around her.

She slipped a diary under the blanket, into the baby’s soft hands. The diary would be the only thing the child would have from her mother; a diary hand crafted with a beautiful floral design, a single word on the cover; the baby’s name. A diary she had spent weeks creating. She looked up at the door bell of the SOS Children’s Home; she couldn’t bring herself to go inside.

“Good bye Hazel,” The woman whispered, a silent tear trickling down her face. She stood up and pushed the tiny, red button, running behind a bush to watch. The door opened and a dark figure of a women appeared. 

“Awe, you poor thing!” The woman exclaimed, taking the baby into her arms and closing the door behind her.         

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