Abby:I thought he got our room, he seemed so confortable in there yesturday!!!

She winked at me, Prince, Jawan, Issa, Roc and Prod all chuckled.

Me:Shut ur face, I'm pretty sure the circus is one short of a clown!

Everyone laughed.

Abby:What u ta......*She looked in the mirror in front of her* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

She ran out of the room making everyone laugh harder.

Dakota walked into the room.

Dakota:What happened to Ab....... OMGH WHAT DID U DO TO OUR ROOM?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

Prince:Oh my bad, it was idea to throw a party!

He slowly got up followed by Maria.

Dakota shook his head in disapointment, he walked past Diggy into the bedroom, and screamed, running back into the living room.


Everyone looked at each other confused and then burst out in laughter.


It was nearly four a clock in the afternoon we finally finished cleaning up Jakes room, I sat down and sighed man was i tired, i chucked the duster and threw of my gloves.

Me:I don't know why i helped y'all tidy this, i didn't even go to the party!

Roc laughed as he joined me on the couch.

Roc:I know right, I came here about 5am everyone was sleeping and i decided to go sleep on the sofa.

I laughed as Prince and Ray came out of the bedroom.

Prince:Ok, all clear!

him and ray placed them selves on the couch infront of us.

Abby walked out of the bathroom, with a mask on her face and disinfectant and gloves and a bunch on tissues peeking out of her pockets, she sat down on the arm chair and took of her mask.

Abby:Yeah give the GIRL the job to clean up all y'all nastiness!!!!! 

We all laughed as Prod walked out the kitchen.

Prod:Woah i thought i would be happy to see all of that food, but nahh, i'ma have nightmares!!! 

We all laughed harder and sat back.

Me:Jacob better thank us for all this!!!!!

Ray:for sure, i'm tired af!!!!!

Prince:Me to!!!!!!

Abby:Hey prince, where ur girl at?!?!?!!?

We all looked at him, as he sat up.

Prince:s..s..she was meant to be co.....

Suddenly the room burst open, and there walked in the  she devil wearing this {In comments} She was carrying a whole lot of bags, Wait...i could smell something...something familiar!!!!!!

Maria:HIYA GUYS!!!!!!

she went in the middle of us where the table was placed her bags down, I noticed Rayray was looking at her butt smh, I think Prince noticed aswell becuse he slapped him across the head, i giggled and Maria shoot me a looked, i ignorned it and said.

Me:U got something to say?

Maria:Yes, actually i do.*She said not taking her off of me.*

She opened her bag and Ray jumped up.

Ray:OMGH!!! *he pretended to tear up* baby!!!!

We all laughed.

Maria:I got TACOS!!!! *She smirked at me* Beff...Tacos!!!!

I jumped back in shook, Roc, Prince and Abby looked at me concerned but Abby was just angry, she stood up.

Abby:OHHHH hell naw!!!!!!

Maria tried to act innocent blinking her fake eyelashes.

Maria:What all i wanted to do was simply get u guys something to eat because have been working so hard!!!!!!

Ray and Prod jumped into the bag.

Prod:Thank you jesus!!!!

Everyone laughed, except for Me and Abby.



Me:Yes, i can't be this close to it; because my eyes swell with my throat making me stop breathing.

Maria put her hand on her heart and acted innocent again.

Maria:OMG, Kiloni i never knew!!!!

I shook my head, and tears fell down my cheeks i could just see the hate in her eyes as her fake shooked face slowly turned into a smirk, she was surly out to kill me.

I quickly walked out of the room, and down to the hotel lobby as i took a seat on the waiting chairs.

I looked around it was quite loud and crowded, ugh i hate it when it like this especially when i am trying to be alone.

A tear feel down my cheeks, Maria knew how bad i was allergic to beef, i just hate having to live out that terrible experice, again.

~Flash back~

I was eight years old sitting in the living room of my grandma's house with my anut and cousin and grandma, my mum was working and my dad, well he left a year ago.

We were all eating spaghetti with the beef bolognese, it was so joyful we were all laughing and eating, but when i took that first bite, i felt a itch in my eyes, I asked to leave the table i got to the bathroom and i went to the sink where i washed my eyes a bit i looked up into the mirror, my eyes were swollen and red i screamed a bit and covered my mouth, it was stinging like hell and watering, suddenly i stumbled back i couldn't breath, i was holding onto towels and pulling them down as i collasped, i could faintly see my 28 year old aunt come in running, she gasp as she saw me lifeless, she quickly called in my grandma my grandma started crying and my aunt pulled out her phone, i started to close my eyes slowly dieing but i could hear them speaking.

Aunt:*she gave them the adress*P..please get here quick, she looks dead!!!!!! 

She dropped her phone and sat with me calling my name

From there i woke up in a hospital room, wires were attached to me, i slowly looked up and saw my mum and dad, sat togethor, i felt like crying, i reached my hand out and my mother caught it, i smiled knowing she was here.

~Flash back over~

Someone had tapped me on the shoulder, I looked up and saw ????? and smiled.

Who do u think is the mystery guy... or girl?!?!!?!?!?!? so as usual vote, comment and follow, urs truly.....MsBlue♥.

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