Prologue: Reincarnated, I was Stargazing

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Y/N: Life goes on I need all my babies.

You were walking down the street going home from school. You were listening to a snippet of Kendrick's new song.

Y/N: Man. I wish Kendrick could release this song. Maybe he's trying to turn it into a diss track towards Drake.

You turn into an alleyway and see a lady getting kicked on the ground.

Man: Take the you bitch!

Lady: Somebody help me!

Y/N: Hmm. Welp.

You dashed forward and punched the man.

Lady: Ah thank you young man.

Y/N: No problem.

Man: Fuck you kid! She ran over my dog.

Y/N: How dare you!

You two are seen kicking the woman on the ground.

Y/N: Can't believe she did that!

Man: Yeah, she was probably made that I pushed her Grandma down and broke her hip.

Y/N: What?! You're in the wrong!

You push him down and help the lady up and you both kick the man.

Y/N: I'm so sorry he did that to you?

Lady: It's fine. He's probably mad that I stole his grandfather's wheelchair and sold it.

Y/N: What?! You're worse!

You push her down and pick the man back up and you both kick her again.

Y/N: I'm so sorry man. I kinda understand why you did that.

Man: Yeah she's probably just mad that I smashed her sister.

Y/N: What?! Okay you have to be worse!

You pushed him down and helped the woman up.

Y/N: Did you do anything to cause that?

Lady: No.

Y/N: Okay. You both begin kicking him.

Lady: But I did smash his brother in his bed. Who is much bigger than you, you shrimp dick loser!

You just stare at her.

Lady: What?

You are now seen kicking both of them on the ground as you take their wallets and pull the money out.

(A/N: I hope this is better than what it was before. It was a reference to a video I saw but I forgot the name of. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please tell me. Sorry for bringing politics to this site.)

You are now seen counting the money as you walk out of the alley.

Y/N: And 300! Nice. This can pay for some therapy from what I just heard.

You put the money away and smile as you walk away. You go to a pizza place.

Y/N: Mario!

Mario: Y/N! Luigi! Y/N is here!

Luigi: Y/N!

You guys handshake and smile.

Mario: What brings you here? You normally don't get pizza on your way home from school.

Y/N: I just got some money plus I was a little hungry. I'm feeling good today so I felt like buying something and this place was nearby.

Luigi: Oh, okay. How's your sink doing?

Reborn Issei (DXD Harem x Reincarnated Issei Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now