Moving on

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"It still hurts even after two weeks" I say to my best friend Lydia on our way to AP biology.
" Well it is going to that's 2 whole years." She replies, trying to comfort me but failing miserably.
" I know, I should seriously move on, but I can't , like you said two whole years down the drain." I mumble back.

We turn the corner to the corridor that our class is on and I see a sight that makes me sick to my Stomach. Kira and Scott flirting. I snap my head to Face Lydia.
" He's clearly moved on, should I talk to him, no. no I shouldn't."

I walk into class and take my seat behind Scott's I usually Sit next to Him but I reckon he would rather have Kira sit with him. Scott walks in and looks at me confusedly.
" Hey, why aren't you sitting in your normal seat." He asks innocently
" Oh I thought Id save it for Kira." I snap back harshly.Scott rolls his eyes
" Oh come on you can't seriously be jealous we broke up." He says in an annoyed tone

" Yeah well maybe I haven't moved on yet." I reply feeling hurt that he doesn't understand that.
" Well you should, otherwise you'll never date again." He replies calmly as if what he said didn't offend me.

"Whatever" I mumble putting my head on the table.

"Move on Y/N" I whisper to myself encouragingly.

" I hate him" I yell under the shower.

" I want to rip his throat out with my teeth." I scream, being slightly muffled by the freezing water coming out of the shower I'm being held under by Mason and Liam.
I may have Accidentally wolfed out at school upon seeing Stiles tounge tied with Malia.
" Are you calm yet" Mason asks. I reply by howling in his face and snapping my teeth at Liam.I begin Too calm down and feel my canines and claws retract.
" Okay, okay I'm calm now." I say panting and walking out of the shower.
" I guess I'm not over him yet." I say sheepishly. Causing liam to cock his eyebrow up.
" You guess?" He sarcastically questions, causing me to giggle.

" Look how about we sneak into a club, I'll pick up a hottie and you will too." Mason says winking.

" Sounds good." I say smiling .although I know deep down I'm no where near over him.

I stand in the beacon hills bleachers supporting, my Twin Stiles it's his first Game, or at least I say to everyone and myself that I am. Deep down I know I'm here to win Isaac back. I'm not fully over him after he broke it off but I'm fully prepared to win him back.
The Scoreboard reads ten seconds remaining and Isaac is Sprinting towards the goal, he pulls his stick back and hurls it forward, the ball goes straight into the upper left corner of the goal and the crowd goes wild.
Everyone runs down the bleachers onto the field I run to Isaac and hug him, he's a little taken back but hugs back I slowly let go and Allison walks up to us.
" So will you let me take you out now, I did it for you Ally Bear?" Isaac asks Allison causing my heart to Break. I slowly back away looking for stiles.
" Come on Y/N move on." I whisper to myself.

It's been a week since I broke up with Liam and I'm still not over him, the night he broke up with me was the night I was Planning to tell him I love him. Clearly the feelings weren't Mutual.
I walk onto the bleachers and take a seat beside Malia and Kira, Now that Liam's a Sophomore and he's going up against more seniors he really has to put his game on, Which is exactly what he's doing.
By the time the break comes around the girls are all over him.
I walk over to congratulate him but what I hear makes my heart break, the sweet Liam I love has been replaced by a Cocky, Arrogant, Jerk.
" Ladies, Ladies there's plenty of me to go around, now that Y/N's out the picture I'm free for all your wants and needs." I feel tears sting My eyes at his words.
I push past the crowd of girls and Slap Liam across the face.
" What the hell Y/N." he shouts
" That was for saying that I was a burden, for not allowing you to fill out your needs. But that certainly Wasn't what you said all those times we did stuff." I spat at him

" Oh please, were you Eavesdropping." He hisses back

" No I could hear you because of how loud your ego is." I seethe back

" Omg your such a clingy bitch. We are done I have all these girls I don't need you." He says venomously

" I hate you." I shout back as tears stream down my face. A look of hurt crosses his face.
" In fact I can't believe I loved you and put up with you. I was to blinded by love to see your a monster, I can finally see your true colours now." With that Liam raises his hand and hits me causing me to stumble back. He looks at me sorrowfully and Scott rushes over .
"Don't ever touch my sister again how dare you hit her." Scott fumes.

" Thanks for speeding up the moving on process." I mumble weakly at Liam before running inside to cry.

I walk over to My normal lunch table, nervously it's the first time I've sat thee single, well not exactly, it's the first time I've sat there not dating. Brett. We broke up two days ago, and well I decided to skip school yesterday so this will be my first time. I place my salad down at everyone stares at me with concerned looks, I look back and smile.
"What?" I ask suddenly feeling self conscious.
" Oh nothing." Everyone replies out of sync shaking their heads violently. Great. It's already Awkward.

"So how are you?" My Best friend asks
" umm good, why are you acting so weird?" I lied inside I'm broken hearted.
" We're not acting weird." Brett's best friend Jake replies scratching the back of his neck. Brett walks over to the table and sits down he looks over everyone at the table and opens his mouth to speak but soon closes it once he sees me and his face contorts into one of shock and confusion.
" Umm Y/N you can't sit with us." Brett suddenly says.
" What why?" I ask hurt.
"That doesn't matter but you can't ." Brett snaps back.
" Okay Brett I won't but first you have to come outside with me, and explain." I sass back.
" Okay..." Brett replies nervously. I walk out and he follows behind.i take him to a deserted corridor and stop him before turning to face him

"What do you mean I can't sit with you?" I ask hurt.

" Well I think it's best if you and me, you know maybe stop being friends because well -" he starts but I cut him off.
" Because you don't care about me know that we're not dating, in fact I bet you never cared." I hiss back, a look of hurt on my face.

" Bingo, we have a winner." Katie the head of the Devenford prep cheer squad says walking out from behind Brett.
" What are you doing here?" I ask harshly

"Oh I just saw my boyfriend with his ex and came to check it out." She says nonchalantly.

" Boyfriend!" I snap narrowing my eyes at Brett.

" I'm not even over you and you've already got a girlfriend, I knew it you never did care no one gets over 1 and half years that quickly, I can't believe i had feelings for you." I yell at him.

" So Katie care to tell me the real reason I can't sit with you guys.?" I ask fuming with rage.

" Uh I don't really want you there."

" I get it Brett, so whatever friendship we could have had is no longer there I see. " And with that I stormed away leaving Katie triumphant and brett Dumbfounded

A/N sorry I couldn't think of one for Derek. I also got carried away with Liam's but oh 🐋.

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