He'd tear them a new one this time.

But all these things, at the moment, didn't matter. It was August, and, for the first summer of his life, he was in love.

He twitched in his sleep, shifting so his arm wasn't caught under his chest, his feet stirring the nest of blankets at the foot of the bed. A siren wailed, muffling the careful clanks on the fire escape and he stirred slightly. There was a slight groan of the window casement as someone slid it up and Cas moved again, sighing.

"Dean," he rumbled, his voice thick with sleep, and there was the snap of Dean pushing the window back down, walking across the room, stopping halfway to slip his boots off and kick them under Cas' nightstand. Cas groaned, the mattress moaning with him when Dean sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing his shoulder.

"You awake?" he whispered, and Cas shook his head.

"No, I'm asleep," he breathed, turning towards Dean's touch, rubbing his face with one sleepy hand and cracking his eyes. Dean smiled at him through the dark, stroking his damp forehead as the electric fan oscillated, ruffling his humidity-limp hair.

"You look awake to me..." Dean continued, and his voice was low and calm, but Cas could hear the excitement simmering underneath. He was in one of those moods, it seemed.

"Someone is going to hear you one of these days. Or think you're trying," he paused, kissing Dean back, "to burgle me."

Dean smiled against his mouth and pulled away, the mattress squeaking as he stood and clumsily stripped his clothes, lowering himself back onto the bed, crouched over Cas, holding him in with his legs on either side of his hips. He ran his hands appreciatively over Cas' stomach, snapping the elastic on his underwear with a small pop.

Cas laughed, trying to roll his face away, but his hands were already wandering over Dean's shoulders as Dean leaned in, trying to kiss him.

"What time is it?" he asked as Dean brushed his mouth over Cas' neck.
"Three," Dean answered, and Cas shook his head, trying to move Dean away with his shoulder.

"Dean, stop, I wanna sleep," he whined, giving up so quickly he wondered why he even attempted.

"It's Thursday- you don't have class on Fridays," Dean whispered, sealing their mouths together again. Cas kissed him back lazily, still waking up, his fingers skimming over Dean's back.

"Did you miss me?" Cas continued, and Dean kissed his chin, looking into his sleepy eyes.

"Is the day long?" came the reply and Cas smiled, framing Dean's face with his hands, combing upwards through his hair and watching it fall back into place. Dean ducked his head, and Cas opened his mouth, tongue slicking against the wet heat of Dean's. Dean pulled back and Cas followed, his head lifting off the pillow, but Dean was too quick and had begun to work his way down Cas' neck, towards his bare chest.

"God, I missed you," Dean said against the hollow of his throat and Cas 'mm'ed in agreement, fingers still tangled in Dean's hair and sliding to the nape of his neck. "All shift I couldn't stop thinkin' about getting back here. Fuckin' going crazy all week..."

Dean's hand slithered under his waistband and curled around his dick, squeezing it gently, and Cas' eyes fluttered shut.

"Dean," Cas mumbled and Dean nipped at the place where his neck met his shoulder before soothing it with his tongue. Had it only been a week? It'd felt like months. He'd only gotten a few hushed 'I love you's into the payphone receivers at the bar;the rest of the time, Dean had been training for the tournament coming up in two weeks and Cas had been cramming for his summer midterms.

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