CH 2

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Frank Harlan sat in his dark office and waited for the call to come in. He couldn't get Delaney's face out of his mind. She had insisted he let her speak to Alec alone, but it was still his fault she was dead. He knew Alec better than anyone, and he knew what the patient was. Backing down should have never been an option for him. He'd left her vulnerable. She hadn't known what she was getting into, because he hadn't properly informed her.

Alec was evil. Pure evil, in the flesh.

When Amanda Strom first brought the young child to him, Frank had been new to the asylum. Twenty-three and burdened with the passion to help the truly disturbed –and the belief that it was possible to save them. He hadn't believed in evil then –until he'd gazed in the boy's eyes and witnessed the darkness pulsating inside him. It had been like looking into a black hole, through a window to hell. And that was surely true, for Alec possessed a black soul. Something Frank Harlan had heard about but had never truly believed until he met Alec.

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Harlan extended his hand to the young woman when she entered his office. "Mrs. Strom," he smiled. She didn't return his smile and fidgeted anxiously. Dark circles were forming beneath haunted eyes.

"Miss," she mumbled as her thin arms encircled her small waist.


"Ms. Strom," she said quietly. "I'm...I'm not married."

Harlan nodded. "Ms. Strom." He urged her deeper into his office then glanced past her. "Is your son with you? I asked that you bring him with you today."

The woman nodded and turned back to the door. "A-Alec..." her voice shook. "Come into the office."

The empty doorway was suddenly occupied by a small boy –6 years old, his mother had told Harlan on the phone. Wavy dark hair touched his shoulders, and clearly hadn't been trimmed in some time. Rather than move to the child's side in typical parental protectiveness, the boy's mother withdrew further into the office. The child's eyes focused on the floor, though Harlan sensed no fear in him.

Clearing his throat, Harlan approached the boy and squatted down in front of him. "It's nice to meet you, Alec," he said softly and held out his hand. "I'm Dr. Frank Harlan."

Alec's gaze shifted to Harlan's hand but he didn't shake.

Harlan lowered his hand. "I thought perhaps you and I could spend some time together. Talk." He smiled. "Maybe even be friends." The boy raised his eyes and a sudden chill skittered through Harlan. The irises weren't just dark –but black. And nothing seemed to reside behind his stare. Harlan stood up. "Why don't you come inside, Alec," he murmured and touched the boy's head, rubbing his hand gently over his soft hair. "Have a seat on the sofa."

The child didn't resist as Harlan walked him into the room and seated him on the sofa. Ms. Strom remained standing, away from the boy.

"Would you like to sit down?" Harlan motioned to the sofa.

The woman shook her head and averted her eyes. "No," she rasped and shot a quick, fearful glance at her son. "Will...will you keep him?"

Harlan gazed down at the boy. Something was very wrong with the child. Those eyes...Harlan shivered inwardly. "I would like to keep him for observation for a few days. After which time, we can meet again and discuss my diagnosis." He looked at the boy. "And decide what would be in Alec's best interest."

"Fine," Ms. Strom nodded anxiously. "Yes...yes, I-I think that's best." She looked to the door like a trapped animal about to flee. "May I go?"

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