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"Where are we going?"Piper asked her now girlfriend as the walked hand in hand to a cafe

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"Where are we going?"Piper asked her now girlfriend as the walked hand in hand to a cafe. Alexandrea slowly counted to ten in her head, trying not to get agitated from all the questions Piper was asking. Piper had every right though, the two were sleeping before Alexandrea woke up because someone called her and she had been so tense since the phone call.

She dragged Piper out of the room not caring about what either of them were wearing. They both had on pajamas but obviously it didn't matter to Alexandrea seeing that it was 8 o'clock at night and shops should be closing up by now. "My sister and her friends wanted to meet up here."Alexandrea huffed before opening the cafe door seeing majority of the basketball team and a random girl next to Nika staring at her and Piper.

"Nice outfit."Ines joked making Kk, Paige, and Aubrey snicker. Alexandrea rolled her eyes before sitting down with Piper next to her. "Not everyone is up around this time of night."Alexandrea shot back. "It's 8 o'clock, it's hardly even night, sweets."Paige fake pouted before laughing. Alexandrea flicked her off before looking at her sister. "So?"Alexandrea asked.

"And who's this?"Alexandrea turned to look at the girl who sitting next to the woman she still cared for. "I'm Kyla."the brown skin woman smiled showcasing her pearly whites with tooth gems. Alexandrea looked over seeing the girl had her arm around Nika, she looked over at Nika seeing Nika looking at the girl smiling. "She your girlfriend?"Alexandrea asked Nika. "Something like that."Kyla answered for Nika with furrowed eyebrows.

Alexandrea scoffed before looking over at the Kyla girl. "Wasn't asking you. She can answer for herself."Alexandrea spat back. Nika turned her attention from Kyla to Alexandrea before rolling her eyes. "Something like that."Nika answered raising an eyebrow. "Let's not."Azzi spoke up. Kyla leaned over to Paige before whispering. "What's up with her?"Kyla asked making Paige chuckle. "No clue."Paige lied before focusing her attention back to her girlfriend.

"Anyways, it's our bye week and we don't have practice all week so me and Paige planned on going back to Minnesota to visit her family and for a little vacation and we're wondering if you guys wanted to tag along."Azzi smiled once she finished. Everyone agreed besides Nika and Kyla so everyone turned their attention towards the two. Kyla's eyes widen before she lifted her hands up as if she was surrendering. "I'll go if she goes."Kyla said making Alexandrea roll her eyes.

"I kind of wanted to go back to Croatia and visit my family..."Nika trailed off. She felt bad when she seen everyone's bummed out faces. It was definitely a secret that Nika was the life of the party, she may seem quiet and content on social media but behind closed doors she was a huge party girl with a really big personality. "But i'll go and probably leave Thursday and catch a flight to Croatia."Nika smiled once she seen everyone else smiling.

"Perfect! We'll leave tomorrow!"Azzi clapped her hands together not even waiting for Kyla to answer. Everyone got up and began talking amongst themselves while walking out. "Nika, can we talk?"Alexandrea asked as she and Piper got up. Before Kyla could speak for Nika, Nika nodded her head before turning her head to Kyla. "I'll see you at yours?"Nika asked making Kyla smile and nod. Nika leaned up kissing Kyla's cheek before watching her walk out.

Her smile dropped when she turned her attention to Alexandrea who was already staring at her. She then turned her attention to the shorter girl next to her who was trying to get her attention. Alexandrea huffed before looking at Piper. "I'll see you later, Pips."Piper nodded before walking out. Alexandrea turned her attention back to Nika and signaled for her to sit down. Once they both sat down Alexandrea began talking.

"Who's that?"Alexandrea started off. Nika raised her eyebrows before chuckling. "Kyla."Nika simply stated. "How long have you guys known each other?"Alexandrea asked. "I'm sorry, how is that your business?"Nika asked leaning forward on the table. Alexandrea was taken back by Nika's tone. "Just checking in on a friend."Alexandrea shrugged. "We're not friends, girl."Nika leaned back in her seat.

"She play sports?"Alexandrea changed the subject. Nika scoffed before rolling her eyes. "She plays volleyball, now cut the shit. What do you want?"Nika spat back. "How are you?"Alexandrea asked sighing. "Fine until you asked to talk."Nika shrugged. "Can we act like adults here please?"Alexandrea pleaded making Nika chuckle. "I gotta go."Nika said before standing up and walking out. Alexandrea leaned back in her seat watching the girl she still cared for walk out. Again.

yanni's thoughts....
things will get better. trust.

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