chapter seven.

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welcome to Minerva.

      " SOMEBODY WAKE MURPHY UP, " KP declared, eyes darting up from the tracker as he glanced over his shoulder at Mars, who had traded him seats per his request to be able to stare outside. He grinned before announcing, " we're here. "

     " Your loud mouth is the only alarm clock I need, Barnes. " Murphy groaned, appearing in the doorway as the metal door slid shut behind him automatically; he lumbered over to his seat, sinking into it with a tired look on his face. Still, he met Mars' eyes, and, upon seeing a hint of concern in them, he smirked, " I know this face is irresistible, but you don't have to stare, Spacewalker. "

      Mars' eyebrows instantly scrunched as she frowned, turning away from him. KP glanced over at her with a look of question on his face at the way she scrunched her brows. She barely looked over at him before entirely averting her eyes away from him to lean forward, peering down at the approaching planet. It's light pink surface was hazy, almost like it wasn't completely there. Mars could make out a series of colorful buildings in a circle, she assumed it was probably the planet's central plaza. She couldn't really identify any of the buildings from their position, closing in on the atmosphere.

     " So, " Max called, making Mars turn around to see him looking right back at her. With an expectant expression, he continued, " what's the plan here? "

     When no one said anything, Mars glimpsed around to see that they were all waiting for her answer. She nearly choked when she tried to speak, clearing her throat promptly and narrowing her eyes.

    " Why are you all looking at me like that? None of you have any ideas of your own? " She questioned incredulously, and Murphy snorted, earning the attention of the others.

     " 'Course we do, Spacewalker, plenty of things running around up here. " He assured her, tapping the side of his forehead as he gave her a dryly amused look, " However, we are not the leader. That would be you. "

     Mars nearly laughed, shaking her head lightly as she began to stand, " No, no, I'm not the leader, I can't— "

     " That's what the Elders said, that's what the Prophecy— "

     " I don't care what the Prophecy or the Elders said. " Mars quickly cut Kanae off, gaining a grimace in return; she lowered her eyes to the ground and muttered out a quiet apology before sighing.

     A beat of silence passed before Mars raised her head again, explaining, " Look, I get that the Elders are stuck on this prophecy like it's the gods' word, but I'm... not a leader. You can't rely on me to be able to make up some plan that's supposed to save the galaxy, I just... that's not me. "

     While the four of them stared at her silently, Mars instantly felt a knot growing in her stomach as regret filled her. She shouldn't have voiced her doubt, she should've pushed it down and put on a confident face. They wouldn't have faith in her for anything if she didn't have faith in herself, but she wasn't sure if she could say she did. What kind of person would she be if she voluntarily took on the responsibility of the mission of saving the Andromeda Galaxy, and then decided she couldn't do it? She had to save Andromeda, she had to create this alliance, she had to come up with a plan. She had to be the leader.

     " It is you, Argo, " Max insisted abruptly, face hardened as Mars met his stare; it was like he had heard her own thoughts, " whether you like it or not, whether any of us like it, it's you. You volunteered for this, just like the rest of us. If your reason was to be a hero, it's time to show it.  "

    " That wasn't why I wanted to take their stupid 'test', " Mars denied, glaring at him. " I did it because I just want to find my dad, not to be a hero. What, is that why you're here? And you, too, Murphy? You don't want to be seen as a criminal anymore, so you help save the universe and bam, reputation erased? "

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