I'd follow you into the darkness.
" I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CONVINCED ME TO DO THIS. " KP muttered under his breath as they approached the Ceren's School of Science and Technology from behind, coming up to the garage where they kept the training spaceships.
" Oh, come on, think of it like flying practice. " Mars insisted as they crept up to the large door, where a small screen was built into the wall beside it; she glanced around the empty lot before asking, " There are no security cameras or anything? "
" No? I mean, I don't think so, at least. " KP answered, uncertain as he approached the panel, which started up, a sharp green line growing across the screen.
" Ceren School of Science and Technology spaceship parking garage. Retina scan required. " An automated female voice spoke monotonously, and KP obliged, standing in front of the screen as a bright, holographic light scanned over his eye, disappearing as quickly as it came. " Retina scan confirmed. Welcome, Mr. Barnes. "
Mars gave him a light shove on the arm as the door rose, all the way to the top of the building, allowing them inside. He was taken by surprise, his bulky build nearly toppling over with the slight push, to which he glared at her.
" After you, Mr. Barnes. " She mocked, a slight smile on her face as he sighed, walking inside with her right on his tail, trailing just beside him.
" Wow. " Mars said in awe, glancing around the big warehouse full of spaceships; she had never really been interested in ships themselves, but rather where they took you, but she could see the appeal. They came in all shapes and sizes, different colors, and even had names plastered along the sides. There were probably a dozen or so parked in the large building, but she imagined they kept more around somewhere.
" Let's make this quick, okay? I don't want to get caught. " KP announced, walking through the runway as he tried to decide on one of the ships.
" You're the expert here, I don't know which one to pick. " She persisted, absentmindedly following him as he took a few seconds before almost instantly deciding on one; he didn't say anything, but Mars felt him pull gently on her elbow, dragging her to the right, until they were standing in front of one that looked as if you poured a can of 'Kenton Phineas Barnes the Second" all over if.
It was a dark green color, was an odd circular shape, and while it wasn't all that small, it wasn't very big, either. It was enough to hold the two of them, at least, and it didn't exactly look like it was going to fall completely apart on them. So, that was a plus in Mars' book. Along the side, it read Vienna. She had no clue what it stood for, but it was a nice name.
" Alright, stop your staring, let's go already! " Mars urged, wrapping a hand around KP's jacket-clad arm, trying to pull him with her towards the entrance of the spaceship, but he didn't budge; she stopped her attempts and crossed her arms, looking at him expectantly, " Hello? Mars to KP? You do realize this is a piece of metal and not an actual person, right? It doesn't get offended by you staring too long, but you still look crazy. "
" Maybe we shouldn't do this. " He suddenly said, panic and worry lacing his voice; Mars almost immediately groaned at his sudden resistance, to which he continued, " I'm serious, Mars, what if we do get caught? We could be suspended, or, or worse- "
" Ha, funny you would say that, actually.. " Mars interrupted, seeing her opportunity to slip into a confession and hopefully brush past it. KP looked at her with a questionable expression, waiting for her to elaborate, but before she could even continue, she saw the processing and realization pass over his face like gears turning in a machine.

Mars Argo & the Silver Wolf [original]
Science FictionWhat remains of the human race has migrated to the planet Ceren of the Andromeda Galaxy following a nuclear war that eradicated all inhabitable places on Earth, living amongst twelve other species of aliens. Several decades into humans - adapted lat...