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"Shit."Nika mumbled when she realized she ran out of clothes and she would have to go into her and Alexandrea's room to get more. She looked around for Paige for a bit until she realized Paige and Azzi were on a date today, which meant it was just her and Alexandrea. Or so she thought. She took a deep breath before walking to her room and opening the door. In all reality she wasn't ready to face Alexandrea. Nika thought that if they went this long without talking, they would never talk again.

She walked into the room and instantly felt nauseous. She looked to Alexandrea's bed and seen her in bed cuddling and laughing with another girl. Nika cleared her throat making both of the girls look up at her. That was the first time in two weeks that Nika and Alexandrea made eye contact. "I just came to get clothes."Nika quickly looked away. She didn't want Alexandrea to see her crying.

Alexandrea on the other hand was still staring. Part of her felt bad for what Nika was witnessing and another part of her remembered what Nika did to her. "Who's that?"Piper leaned over and whispered to Alexandrea while staring at Nika's back. "My sisters best friend."that was Nika's last straw. She grabbed her clothes out of dresser before slamming it close and walking out, not forgetting to slam the room door.

Alexandrea immediately got up. "I'm sorry, give me a second yea?"Piper nodded and Alexandrea walked out of the room and into Paige and Azzi's room seeing Nika on the ground with her back to the wall and her knees against her chest with her face in her hands crying. Alexandrea rolled her eyes before walking over to Nika and standing in front of her. "What's up with you?"Nika looked up at Alexandrea and scoffed before looking back down.

"You're what's wrong with me."Nika muttered. Alexandrea almost laughed. Almost. Any other circumstances she would've found this funny since her and Nika joke around like this but this...this was serious. "Yea okay."Alexandrea rolled her eyes once again. A beat passed by before Nika spoke up. "Was any of it real?"Nika suddenly asked. Alexandrea ripped her attention from the wall to Nika. "Huh?"

"Was any of it real? I mean you moved on so quick."Nika motioned towards the room next door. "Did you expect me to wait around? May I remind you, you're the one who was texting their ex."Nika groaned. It felt like Alexandrea never listened to her. Everything Nika wanted to say to Alexandrea completely left her mind and she sat there, staring at Alexandrea. "You never gave me the chance to explain myself."Nika huffed.

"Yea well it's too late, and quite frankly I don't wanna hear your excuses. I'm asking Piper to be my girlfriend next week."Alexandrea shrugged. Nika's eyes widen at this. So this random girl that Alexandrea met 2 weeks ago could get asked out this soon but she never once made an effort to make it official with Nika and they've known each other for more than 6 months. "So that's it?"Nika asked looking down at her hands.

"What's it?"Nika chuckled before shaking her head. "You know this girl for 2 weeks and you ask her to be your girlfriend meanwhile we've known each other for almost a year and you couldn't even ask me?"Nika asked in disbelief. "Things change. She's different."Alexandrea sounded like she was trying to convince Nika and herself. "So that's it?"Nika repeated with watery eyes now looking up at Alexandrea. Alexandrea slowly nodded her head ripping her eyes away from Nika, knowing she would cry too if she seen the girl she still cared for cry.

"That's it, baby."Alexandrea whispered now tearing up. Nika gave Alexandrea a tight lipped smile before standing up and walking out of the room.

yanni's thoughts....
needed to make this dramatic.
also i lowkey forgot i was in the process of finishing a sorry for the slow updates!

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