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       What remains of the human race has migrated to the planet Ceren of the Andromeda Galaxy following a nuclear war that eradicated all inhabitable places on Earth, living amongst twelve other species of aliens. Several decades into humans – adapted later into Cerens – becoming a part of their solar system, conflict arose within the thirteen planets, pitting the Titans against the rest of the galaxy in a long, violent Great War that would eventually end in the imprisonment of almost all Titans, and a new Andromedian Council to be created in order to prevent and subside future conflicts to avoid such a destructive battle from happening again.

Mars Argo's father was the leading face of the Life Alliance that faced the Titans in the war, and a year after the dust had settled from the final battle, he had gone missing when she was only four years old. Fifteen years later, Mars lives with fruitless hope that her father is still alive but is unable to come back to her and her mother, who is a shell of who she once used to be with her husband presumed dead. When sneaking around the pilot school's restricted grounds, Mars finds what might be the only thing that can lead her to answers about her father: his warship, the Silver Wolf.

Unbeknownst to the civilians of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Titan Army has gathered its scraps and its bearings, climbing back to its feet with revenge on the forefront, led by the tyrannical Commander Amon. Reluctant to be burdened with the responsibility of preventing a second Great War, Mars accepts the role of leading a new rendition of the Life Alliance in hopes of uniting the former members to prepare for the threat of attack by the Titans– and finding out more about her father's disappearance.




The Andromeda Galaxy is home to 12 different alien species, now 13, including humans. There are 13 different planets in the galaxy that are currently known. The Andromeda Galaxy has its own Sun, which is an electric blue color rather than yellow, and also has an asteroid belt named Death Valley, which is a very specific yet fitting name.


The Milky Way was once the galaxy that all humans lived in, long before Earth was radiated. As there are no other inhabitable planets in that galaxy, the remaining humans were forced to leave and find a new home in a different galaxy.



Ceren was the only empty planet in the galaxy, and it proved to be a very fortunate thing for the last remaining humans. It was built like Earth, and was even nicknamed "New Earth". It is home to the Last Humans, and the Cerens, the ones born on Ceren. The environment is similar to Earth's, lots of land and open bays of water, as well as trees and wildlife. It was the last planet to join the Council of Elders because it is the newest civilization. Since the humans brought over what they believed to be most important from their life on Earth, they were able to recreate things like automobiles, electric, radios, and more technology like that of Earth.


Vulcan is known as the Burning Planet, mainly because there is little to no water on its surface, and the minuscule amount of floral it has catches on fire quite easily. Most of the residents of Vulcan are nearly inflammable, and can bear the flames fairly well. The surface of the planet is black with soot, and it's air is unbreathable for non-Vulcans because of the smoke pollution. They, too, have nice technology, because most of their people are engineers or mechanics. They are known for their ability fix things, and that is where most of their income comes from.

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