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Alexandrea watched as Nika did a little happy dance walking out of the doctors office. She had gotten her cast off today. "Where are we going now?"Nika asked as Alexandrea opened the door for her and Nika to walk out. Nika mumbled a quick 'thank you' before walking in front of Alexandrea. "Home."Alexandrea chuckled. Nika frowned and turned around to look at Alexandrea.
"What, baby?"Alexandrea asked. "You're boring!"Nika huffed before crossing her arms over her chest and cocking her hip to the side. Alexandrea smiled and walked up to Nika, wrapping her arms around her waist and pecking her forehead. "And you're sexy."Nika blushed before pushing Alexandrea and turning around to continue walking to the car.
Once they got back to the dorms, the two agreed on showering and getting comfortable and going to the living room to watch Love Island. Right now the two girls were on the couch, Alexandrea was laid across the couch with Nika on top of her. "I fucking hate that bitch."Alexandrea muttered. Nika sighed before lifting her head up and looking at Alexandrea. "Stop fucking talking after every little thing happens."Nika popped her nose before laying back down.
Alexandrea rolled her eyes before she went back to rubbing Nika's back. "I wond-"Alexandrea was cut off by her phone ringing. She paused the T.V before grabbing her phone and answering it. "Hello?"she answered with furrowed eyebrows. "Go look at what I sent you on Instagram."Mariah spat out. "Okay."Alexandrea chuckled before putting Mariah on speaker phone and going to Instagram. Nika was now sitting up on Alexandrea's lap watching her with a small smile on her face.
nahiem_alleyne posted a story
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Alexandrea furrowed her eyebrows before slightly pushing Nika off her lap and sitting up. "I'll call you back."was all Alexandrea said to Mariah before hanging up the phone. Nika frowned before looking up at Alexandrea. "What's wr-"Nika started but was cut off by a furious Alexandrea."What the fucking is this?"Alexandrea turned her phone around to Nika showing her the post. Nika's eyes widen before she snatched the phone out of Alexandrea.
"This is old Drea."Nika huffed before handing Alexandrea her phone back. "Is it though?"Alexandrea chuckled before standing up off the couch. "Yes, I've been with you everyday these past 2 weeks."Nika rolled her eyes. "I didn't say it happened recently."Alexandrea started. "Why the FUCK would your ex boyfriend post a picture of you out of nowhere?"Alexandrea semi-shouted.
"I don't fucking know! I haven't been in contact with him since I met you!"Nika shouted back. "Who sent you that anyway?"Nika asked throwing her hands up. "It doesn't fucking matter, you literally just threw a fit about me texting other bitches and you go and fuck with your ex behind my back?"Alexandrea asked in disbelief. Nika shook her head before sitting back down on the couch. "I'm not fucking with him Drea. I don't know why he would post that."Nika muttered.
"Speak the fuck up and look at me!"Alexandrea shouted. Nika looked up at Alexandrea, seeing so much hatred in her eyes made her want to cry. "Stop yelling at me!"Nika shouted back. "No why are you crying? I should be the one crying! You're fucking cheating on me!"Alexandrea shouted. By now Azzi and Paige were outside of their room watching the two go at it.
"I'm not cheating on you! You haven't even asked me to be your fucking girlfriend! I have not been in contact with Nahiem!"Nika huffed. Azzi's eyes widen once she seen Alexandrea fist clench together. She knew her sister had bad anger issues, but she didn't think she would go as far as putting her hands on someone. She quickly walked to the two stepping in between them and facing Alexandrea.
"Please go calm down Andrea."Azzi softly said. Alexandrea scoffed before looking down at her sister. "I am calm, this bitch thinks it's okay to still be talking with her ex though."she pointed in Nika's direction. Everyone's eyes widen when they heard the word 'bitch' come out of Alexandrea. Nika chuckled before getting up and walking out. "Playing the victim is insane to me."Alexandrea shook her head before falling onto the couch.
"Well you did just call her a bitch..."Paige trailed off as she walked to the kitchen counter to grab her keys. Azzi turned around and looked at her girlfriend. "Where are you going?"Azzi asked. "Unlike Alexandrea here, Nika doesn't have close family here to help her so that's what I'm doing."Paige said before walking out. Azzi sighed before sitting beside her sister. "I hope you know Nika hasn't been in contact with her ex, Drea."Azzi started off.
"Whose side are you on? I seen the fucking picture with my own two eyes! This shit looks recent, Azzi!"Alexandrea's eyes were watering by now. Azzi sighed, she knew she couldn't speak to her sister while she was all riled up. Instead she grabbed her sisters head and pulled it into her chest letting her cry.
yanni's thoughts... i put the kk arnold book on hold, just until i finish this book.