"Don't worry it's sweet. You'll like it." He smiles.

"You didn't drug it right?" I ask.

"No Jessie I did not drug it." He chuckles. I laugh too I sounded kinda stupid. His cell phone goes off and he takes it out of his pocket.

"One sec." He looks at the collar ID. His facial expression turns sad and annoyed. He sighs and takes the call.


I can't hear that well with all the music but I hear a small women's voice in the phone. He stands up then walks outside to hear better. Wow thanks Andy. Fuck it I'm gonna go dance. I leave the table and settle on the dance floor. I feel people surround me with sweaty bodies while I start to feel moist because of them. Some guys starts to dance with me so I smile and just dance with them. This is so fun! Beats staying at home doing absolutely nothing. I stop dancing after I lose my breath and go back to my seat but I'm not the only one who leaves the dance floor. The two guys I was dancing with came with me. One had blonde hair with crystal blue eyes, he smiles at me nicely.

"Hey your a good dancer."

"So I've been told." I laugh. The other one jut smiles quietly. He kinda looked like the same guy maybe they are brothers.

"Ooh what happened?" He asks while pointing out my bruise on my face.

"Oh I got into an accident." I lie.

"Shit looks bad..." He takes my chin and exams my face while the other guy leans by my drink. Wait what is he doing?

"I'm fine." I say.

"You must be tired, maybe you should take a drink." The quiet one says while giving me my drink. I take the drink and nod. I'm kinda scared to drink that...well maybe a little sip won't hurt. I don't wanna be rude.

"What are you doing?!" I hear a stern deep voice call to me. I see Andy approach me and quickly swipes the drink away from my grasp.

"What the-" I gasp but he interrupts me.

"Are you stupid? They rupheed your drink." He gives the guys evil looks.

"No we didn't." The quiet one says.

"Your both liars, I saw you. You think I'm stupid?!" He gets louder which attracts some unwanted attention. Some people were looking at us with scared looks.

"Fuck you man we are just having fun with her." The not so quiet one says rudley. Andy face turns cold and pissed. Oh shit...

"Listen here you little prick!" He grabs the guy by the collar and almost lifts him up off the floor. I gasp. I sneak behind Andy. "If you ever come near h-" he starts to say but I interrupt him. I place my hands gently on his arm.

"Andy, let's leave. It's not worth shit." I say. He slowly looks at me and the rage from his eyes relax. He drops the guy.

"Your one lucky son of a bitch!" Andy says in his face. He takes my hand then we dash out of the club. I can't help but feel so guilty. Everything is always my fault. Fuck.

"I'm so sorry Andy..." I say in a shaky voice. I feel like crying. Fuck. He smiles softly at me then takes me into his arms.

"This is not your fault." He whispers.

"Yes it is..." I blame myself. It is my fault what if he beat them up or in the fight he got hurt!? Because of me. The cops could have gotten involved.

He pulled me back and grabbed my shoulders. "It's not your fault. I'm the one who was gonna kick his ass. Not you."

I nod, but I still know...

Andy and me get into his car. The way home was a little quiet. "So who was on the phone?" I ask.

"Oh...someone not important." He fakes smile.


"So why were you with those guys. You broke a rule." He sighs.

"Sorry...I was dancing and they just came."

He sighs. "I was gonna bash their faces in."

"Violent." I chuckle.

"They deserved it." He laughs. "...Thanks for stopping me..."

"No problem."

We finally get home. Andy holds my hand when we approach the house. His hands were so much bigger than mine it's funny. Tonight was rough, I'm glad he came to save me, for the second time. Wow I'm weak. Yeah he can be an asshole sometimes but he's a sweet caring guy. Plus his face is nice.

What am I saying? This is Andy were talking about. Oh shit...I think I might actually like him. No no no, just taking his kindness the wrong way. Yeah just feeling a little Lonley that's all.

Andy leads me toward my room. I open my door and he doesn't leave yet.

"Um...well-goodnight I guess." He stutters a little and messes with his hair.

"Yeah goodnight, thanks for dealing with me."

"Oh I don't mind." He smiles. I laugh then give him a playful push. Suddenly, he grabs my hands then stares into my eyes, blue radiant eyes look back at me. He stares at my lips. He holds my waist and leans me against him.

"A-Andy-" I stutter. He bites his lip then presses his soft lips against mine. My heart beats fast, my stomach flutters and I feel super nervous but happy. Fuck, I'm feeling again. FUCK!

Fuck you. (Andy Biersack fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora