|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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Pope grabbed his backpack from under the seat and rummaged through to find his camera. It started to storm outside as they parked the car a block away from the surf shack.
"Nice camera," JJ complimented sarcastically, "Where'd you dig up that relic?"
"This is a telephoto. It allows me to get close images from far away. Plus it's waterproof," Pope explained.
"So why wouldn't you just use your phone?" Brooklynn asked.
"I like my antique electronics," Pope shrugged.
"Lord of the dorks," Kiara rolled her eyes.
Brooklynn laughed at Kiara's remark and gestured for her friends to hurry up. Pope nodded and led the rest of the group forward to hide behind a fence.
"Shit, did we lose him?" JJ questioned, referring to Gavin, whose car the Pogues had been following.
Brooklynn shook her head, "No, we're good. There's Ward right there," she said, pointing towards the Cameron man.
Pope brought his camera up to his eyes and followed Ward with the lens, "Where are you going, you son of a bitch?"
Ward rapidly looked around before sneaking through a door that led to a stairwell, Pope losing his view once the door had closed.
"Shit, where's he goin'?" Pope groaned.
"Hold on," JJ muttered, venturing off behind them.
Kiara cursed repeatedly under her breath, searching for a better view.
JJ whistled, bringing the group's attention to him, "Yo! I found something. C'mere."
Brooklynn, Pope and Kiara followed JJ's instructions and backed away from the fence. He was pointing up at a rusty ladder that led to a rooftop.
"Okay, Pope, you go first," Brooklynn ordered the boy with the camera.
Pope nodded and began the trek up the ladder.
"Hurry! We don't wanna miss anything," Kiara told the youngest Heyward, closely following him up the ladder.
The two blondes who remained at the bottom of the ladder looked at each other, waiting to see who would go up first.
"Ladies first," JJ smirked, gesturing to the ladder in front of them.
Brooklynn uncharacteristically rolled her eyes and climbed up the ladder. JJ eyed the girl as she made her way up to the rooftop, his eyebrows furrowed.
JJ desperately needed to know what was going through his girlfriend's head. Obviously, three of the closest people dying takes an unbelievable toll on somebody, but there had to be something else going on along with it.