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"So did you guys talk?"Mariah asked over the phone. Alexandrea smiled before nodding her head. "Sort of...? She was basically telling me how I lost her trust and how I need to gain it back."Alexandrea said while scrolling through instagram. "Where is she now?"Mariah asked. "Now that you mention it, I have no clue."Alexandrea furrowed her eyebrows. She went to 'Find My' before clicking on Nika's location seeing she was at Gampel. She was confused because the girls didn't have practice today.
"She's at the court."Alexandrea frowned before sitting up in her bed. Mariah chuckled before adding Nika to the facetime call. After a while Nika picked up the phone with sweat dripping down her face. "Hey Nika girl!"Mariah smiled. "Hiii."Nika smiled back while waving. "Where are you?"Alexandrea asked while squinting her eyes. "You have my location."Nika smartly replied. Mariah cackled but stopped when she seen Alexandrea mugging the phone.
"Why are you at Gampel, Nika? Your arm is hurt."Alexandrea sighed. A beat passed before Nika decided to answer. "I'm not doing anything bad, I'm just running. That's it."Nika said. "Please come back, I don't need you getting hurt anymore, okay?"Alexandrea softly said. Nika nodded her head before hanging up the phone. Mariah smiled at the whole interaction, she loved Nika for Alexandrea and thought it was about time someone treated her best friend right.
"I love you guys together."Mariah cheesed making Alexandrea smile. "I do too."Alexandrea blushed looking down. "You love her don't you?"Mariah spoke up. Alexandra's eyes widen before she looked up at the camera. She never really thought about that, she and Nika had only known each other for less than 5 months. She thought it was too early to decided on whether or not she actually loved Nika. "How do I tell?"Alexandra quietly spoke.
"I don't how to explain it, love. I've never been in love but the way you carry yourself around Nika stands out to me you know? It's like she brought out a new and better you."Mariah smiled. Just then Nika walked in sweaty with her bag on her shoulder. Alexandrea looked up at her smiled. "Hi mama."Nika blushed at the nickname before smiling and waving at Alexandrea. "Hey"Nika mumbled before walking over to Alexandrea and kissing her forehead.
"Hi Mariah!"Nika got into the camera and waved. Mariah smiled and waved back. Nika walked away from the phone and to her dresser. "What'd you do at the gym?"Alexandrea asked. Nika stood up straight deciding on if she should lie to Alexandrea or tell her the truth. "I just ran."Nika lied while shrugging. Alexandrea didn't believe her, but she just got back in good terms with Nika and didn't want to ruin it so she stayed quiet.
Nika walked out to go shower and Alexandrea looked at her phone. "She literally just lied to my fucking face."Alexandrea groaned while dragging her hand over her face. "Woah, calm down. How do you know she lied?"Mariah's eyebrows furrowed. "Because when Nika lies she does this weird thing where she straightens her posture."Alexandra huffed. Mariah laughed because she thought it was weird that Nika sits up straight when she lies.
"Just ask her about it love. Call me later, okay?"Mariah softly said, trying not to say the wrong thing to Alexandra and set her off. Alexandrea nodded before they said their goodbyes and hung up.
yanni's thoughts... i got a kk arnold book that im itching to publish.