She's the Glowing Sun

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But the sun, is it her?
Where is she? In here?

But where are you?...

Glósóli [English translation] by Sigur Rós

Daniel James Howell was a simple boy; he had simple brown hair and simple brown eyes, a simple mother and father and a simple house on a simple farm. His clothes were simple and his looks were simple and there really weren't any other words to describe him.

Every day he awoke to the sound of the roosters singing, he did his chores, read his books, and helped his mother tend the farm animals. Some days, when his father was going away on business, he'd hug him goodbye and run after his carriage until he reached the gates to their estate, waving frantically until the very last wheel had disappeared around the bend at the end of the long dirt road. Other days, he'd stay up late after his studies, well after his mother had came upstairs with supper, and await his father's return; when the lights could be seen from the end of the road, he'd rush downstairs to greet them at the door, laughing as his father pretended to be surprised he'd stayed up so late just for him.

Presently, Dan walked through the mud; his thin leather shoes not doing much to protect his bare feet from the slimy dirt - but he didn't mind, he liked to be one with the nature around him. He sprinkled seeds as he went, laughing joyfully as the chickens bawked and cawed - fighting each other to be the first to the seeds.

"It's alright!" He said, his voice smooth and mirthful. "There's plenty for everyone - isn't that right Mister Horse?" Mister Horse said nothing, just blinked and continued chewing lazily on some hay from the bales Dan had put out earlier.

Dan sighed contentedly and glided onto the bail Mister Horse wasn't currently chomping from, crossing his legs at the ankles and placing the bucket on the floor next to them. He leaned forward, grabbing a handful of corn and throwing it out to the birds scattered around him.

"What a beautiful day!" He commented to no-one, throwing his head back and smiling at the sun like it had done him a personal favour. "I wish I could just stay outside..." He tutted when two of the hens began to scuffle, throwing more seed down to appease their greediness.

"But I think that's enough seed for you lot today, and I really must go inside or mother will surely tell me off for slacking in my studies." With that, he hopped up off his perch, threw one last handful out to the hens and gave Mister Horse a fleeting pat on the shoulder and quick rub down the nose before skipping back to the house, the heat of the sun warming his back through the thin blue cotton of his shirt.

"Ma?" He called, letting the back door fall shut with a click. He threw a smile to Mirelle the house chef and dropped the pale of seed by the door and hurried through the kitchen to where his mother would be in the living room. He found her at her piano, her face veiled in sunlight from the open window; her eyes were closed against the gentle but bright rays, yet her fingers glided effortlessly over the well worn keys. She hummed under her breath as she played the tune Dan had come to accustom with her, her hair glinting with shades of gold and red amongst the brown, contrasting against her cream coloured dress.

Dan moved into the room silently but, just as he was about to sit down on the worn sofa, his foot hit a creaky floorboard and her eyes fluttered open. Without missing a beat, she sent a honey tinted smile at her son and elegantly finishes the song.

"Hello, Daniel." She said, her voice breathy and sweet. Words slipping from her tongue with such finesse you'd be surprised she didn't sing every word.

"Hello, mother! Is it time for my lessons?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, Dan. Today we're going to do some more French - go and get your books now."

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