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Lucy's POV
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed in his face. Even though I was the daughter of the heartfelia family, my father and I did not get along. "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" My father just stared at me with his cold and calculating gaze. I could feel my angry tears begin to flow, so I ran. I ran all the way home and never looked back. I ran straight to my room and collapsed on the floor, a sobbing emotional wreck. My father had been harassing me for almost a month now. He would stop me on my way to and from the guild every day just to harass me about anything that came to mind. I didn't tell anyone at the guild, I didn't want them to be worried. It was almost impossible for me to focus on anything but his constant appearances, and Natsu didn't want to go on a job so I was stuck in magnolia, stuck with him. Hot tears streamed down my face just thinking about it. I was so angry, crying didn't help anymore. I needed a new release. That's when I saw it, the razor blade I kept for opening boxes. I picked it up and looked at it curiously. I'd never cut before and to be honest I was too chicken to do it. I slowly shook my head and set the razor down. I could never do it. Suddenly I heard the door open out in my living room. "Great" I thought to myself. "The last thing I need is for someone to see me like this" I went to stand, but my foot slipped on sorcerer weekly and I fell, cutting my wrist on the corner of my nightstand as I went down. I tried hard not to make any noise but that cut hurt and I couldn't help but let out a yelp and cry a little. Suddenly the door opened.

Natsu's POV
After I heard the crash from the other room and Lucy crying I ran for the closed door. I reached it and threw it open. Lucy was there, laying on the floor, crying, and holding her wrist.

"Lucy!" I ran to her and helped her sit up. "Are you..." I was scanning the room when my eyes spotted the razor. I could feel the anger and hurt bubbling up from someplace deep down. "Lucy, what were you thinking?" I seethed. She gave me a confused look. She looked around until she also spotted the rozor. She tried to protest but I cut her off.

"How could you do it Lucy!? How could you!?" I was hurt. Didn't she know that I was here? Didn't she know that I wanted to be her crying shoulder? Didn't she know that I wanted to protect her?

"Would you listen to me, you fire breathing idiot?!" I calmed down and looked her in the eye. "I didn't do it." She defended. "I almost did, but I didn't. Then I tried to get up and slipped. I cut my wrist on the corner of my nightstand." She pointed and my gaze followed. Sure enough, her blood was there. I let out a sigh and let my head rest on her shoulder.

"Don't scare me like that." I whispered. She patted my head.

"Why were you even here anyway?" She asked.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, remembering the reason for my visit. "I had something really important to tell you. "

"What was it?" She inquired curiously.

"Let's dress that cut first." I picked her up bridal style, causing her to blush. Man she was cute. I carried her into the bathroom and began carefully dressing her wound. "Why were you crying?" I asked calmly. She turned away and mumbled something about not crying or it was nothing.

"Lucy, you're a rotten liar." I joked. She tried to hit me but I doged and wrapped her in a hug. "You know you can tell me anything." I stated soothingly. She was surprised at first but she soon curled into my embrace and began crying. She blubbered about how her father had been harassing her for the past month and she hadn't been working and about a hundred other things. I just held her and let her get it all out. When she was finished I pulled back and looked at her. "Was that so hard?" She laughed a little and whiped her eyes.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked. She was so cute, her sparkling brown eyes, her blonde hair that was completely out of control, I just couldn't help it. I kissed her, nothing fancy, just a peck on the lips. I pulled back and opened my eyes.

"I love you." She looked a little surprised, suddenly she threw her arms around my neck and practically screamed her response.

"I love you too Natsu!"

Thank goodness, I breathed a sigh of relief and cupped her cheek in my hand, pulling her in for a long, slow, perfect kiss.

Hey humans! So I'm not sure how I feel about this one but why not

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