Will You Marry Me?

Start from the beginning

I went inside the campus, strutting on the hallway while searching for that blond bastard. Most of time, he would be with a random girl, flirting with her.

It took me a few seconds to find that douchebag.

As expected, he was talking with a random girl. I couldn't hear what he's saying, but hell do I care. He's whispering sweet nothings to that girl, anyway. And the girl's even giggling, even batting her eyelashes at him.

Enough of this bullsh*t.

I took more prideful strides towards him. I was now behind the girl, glaring at Renn, but it seemed that he didn't notice me at all. It took him a few seconds before his eyes met mine.

And as soon as his eyes met mine, I clutched his collar and connected a strong punch to his cheek, causing him to fall down.

"Renn!" The girl shrieked and sat down to check him up.

"Hey, I'm fine," he smirked at her. And he even manage to make this woman's heart flutter. That son of a b*tch. He gently massaged the area where I hit him. "You don't need to worry about me, sweetheart. As long as it's not you who gets hurt, I'm fine with it."

"B-But Renn..."

"You bastard," I pulled his collar, standing him up forcefully.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm just talking with your girlfriend," he stuttered. Huh. So I'm that intimidating, huh? That's one of the perks of a six-footer.

"She's not my girlfriend, you idiot," I growled.

Before we knew it, the girl immediately ran away from us. Hmph. That bitch doesn't like to get involved, huh?

"Then why did you punch me?!" He asked incredulously. "And get your hands off my shirt! Goddammit, you're creasing it."

"I don't give a f*cking damn, Castiglione," I narrowed my eyes at him. "What I give a f*cking damn about is your f*cking car."

"And what about your f*cking car? Are you jealous?" he smirked at me. I raised another fist at him but he gulped. "Okay, okay, what's wrong with my car?"

"You parked it in my f*cking parking space. Why are you using something that was meant for me?"

Renn wrinkled his forehead, casting a confused look at me. It's like he's saying, "what the f*ck, bro?" based on his facial expression. "Bruh, you have your own personal parking space?"

"Exactly. So get your ass off and park your car somewhere else."

"I can't get my ass off unless you let my shirt go," Renn complained.

Hm, he has a point. I reluctantly let him go. He fixed his collar and stretched his arms.

"Ooooookay, then," he put his hands on his pockets and then cast an annoyed look at me. "No."

"What do you mean, no?" I cracked my knuckles.

"Since when did we have our own parking spaces?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "This is the first time I've heard that somebody has his own personal parking space. The parking lot is for everybody. For goddamn everybody. You don't need to be so selfish when it comes to reserving your own parking space."

"What the f*ck?" That was the only thing I muttered. This is the first time somebody actually dared to talk back to me. I kept on threatening people that they'll meet their bloody end when they try to talk back to me, but this bastard looks like he doesn't fear anything.

"You're just used to getting things your way. Why won't you give way, dude?"

My brows furrowed at his annoying face. "What do you mean, the parking lot is for fucking everybody? I own this school! I own this university! That means I own the f*cking parking lot, and I dictate which parking space is mine!"

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