Chapter 1 - The introduction

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(A/N) WARNING: It will have swears (Duuh... It's 2p Hetalia we're talking about), the back story might take some time to read (but it's worth it cause it's gonna make sense later) ;3 (Also, in this story, you have a twin brother, how cool is that?) Hope you enjoy! (A/N)

You and your twin brother, (T/n)'s parents were divorced for 8 years and you even stayed apart from one another when the divorce was complete. You were 7 years old when (T/n) lived with your dad and you lived with your mom until you were both 11 years old and your brother came to live with you and your mother due to your father going to (Far away country) with his fiancée, and she didn't like children so your father left your brother with your mom. Truth be told, you two didn't really chose to stay apart. Your parents just decided who stays with who in one of their fights, each taking care of one of you in order to prove to one another which one is a better parent. Since you were both little and pretty clueless for your age you just went along with what your parents said and declared to live apart, each with a different parent.

Only afterwards you both realised what you did and since your dad took your brother to a different city, you were really sad when you realised that you might not see your brother and you knew he felt the same thing at that moment. Life has been challenging for both of you, which included the relations with your classmates at school. You were the kid that always goofed around but was nice to everyone at the same time and some of your classmates found that a weakness, so they picked on you. Your brother on the other hand, liked reading and was always quiet, but not shy. His classmates picked on him too for being boring or for 'ignoring' them.

After your mind becoming one with disappointment, it all felt pretty unbelievable when you saw each other again. Since you lived apart for all that time, you have developed different personalities, but nonetheless you still had those twin moments when you said the same thing at the same time, or guess each other's thoughts. You both changed schools and met nicer people.

You also realised, at that new school you were more than you ever thought you were. For example, your first love was actually a boy who confessed you you. He said he didn't like guys before, but you were really pretty and that people in school talked about you and your brother a lot. You didn't realise until then why your friends were sometimes at awkwardly small distances between them and you or your brother. That was actually how you realised you were gay, you were never sure if you were just confused at that time but it was an explanation as to why you weren't interested in any girl while your brother had his fair share of crushes on girls in your class.

The rumour about you spread around the school fast, and you were anxious that people were gonna think you're weird, but they actually didn't have much of a reaction. To the girls in your class, it was just a bonus to making them swoon over you. You didn't quite get it, but you didn't question it either.

During the ups and downs in middle-school and despite all the embarrassing or depressing moments you and your brother went through, (which this time didn't happen much at that school and things were running smoothly there), you figured the universe hates both of you and you were looking upon that thought with amusement, cause you never gave up your horrible lives where ten bad experiences happen after a good one, but the two of you developed a passion for art in the meantime, wanting to build that passion into a career.

You've heard about a highschool that despite not being specifically for art, the teacher for the art club there was a famous artist that turned other apprentices that attended to that highschool into great illustrators and painters, being in the business himself. The highschool was in another city, and your mom didn't have the budget for supporting you all the way, she couldn't afford to buy materials and pay for your rent there at the same time. Your mom was a waitress at the moment and was already very busy with giving you everything you needed so far, and you didn't hear shit from your dad since he left in (Far away country).

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