i m p o r t a n t

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HEY YO CRAZY MOFOS OUT THERE IM BACK !! I know I've not updated for a month or so, please forgive me!! I have school right now and I have to focus for my grades, I hope you understand. I'll try to make your imagines asap!!

this book is not yet done because I've not yet made some of your requests and yeah!! please don't remove this to your library okay?

I'm writing a new fanfiction and its called "Dear Diary", its a Luke Hemmings story and I've worked really hard on that and this hope you read it sometime :-)

I have something for my readers out there:

if you want to get to know me more, comment below a questions you've wanted to ask me (just not to personal ones) I'll answer truthfully! like for example favorite movie, favorite band, or favorite food (whoops the last one is pretty hard) hahah anyways hope you won't let this flop okay?

Ill answer your questions on the next couple of chaps!

dont forget to comment and message me anything, feel free! I always read your comments and it bring s a smile to my face when I see compliments, thank you guys so much :-)

plus!! I made a book filled with the poems I make, hope you check it out :-)


Niall Horan ⇢ ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now