Tongue Tied
Chapter twoNovas family always picked Evangeline up, every single morning, whether Nova was going to school that day or not. They always made sure Evangeline was safely at school.
They didn't take her home, Nova had ballet classes everyday after school, Evangeline usually walked home, she didn't enjoy being found taking the noisy and loud bus, and her parents never bothered to take her home. She actually enjoyed the walk, though, it wasn't a terrible walk along the path.
Evangeline rarely took the path though, she mainly walked through the creek way, being surrounded by unharmful senses made her feel okay, even when knowing where she was returning to.
Her siblings didn't go to the same school Evangeline did, being the favourite child of each parent, the other two Moracle triplets ended up at fancier schools around the area. Bianca went to an all girls school an hour away from the valley and Archer went to a private school on the other siee of the city.
When she left the house that morning, no one was inside, as usual. Her mother was at work, and her siblings had already left for school. She wasn't sure where her father was so early in the morning, though she didn't care.
It meant the morning was good for her, a silent house meant she could blast her music on her speaker. Doing her makeup while singing her heart out before getting to make as many pancakes as she wanted, never having to share.
She loved moments by herself, especially in the house. It felt so special to her, the moments where her house actually her home. A magical place that she felt at peace instead of breathing heavily in her room, awaiting for the sound of the strike.
Her house was big, she was undeniably rich. Her house felt like an absolute gift when no one was inside, she could dance around the place for as long as she wanted to, and not finding an exit wherever she went, her house was a mansion.
She finished locking up, her bag around her shoulder. She slid into the backseat of Nova's fathers car "thanks for picking me up."
"You thank us everytime sweetheart, you really don't have to." Novas father smiled at her from the front seat.
"I do, so thank you" Evangeline replied, strapping herself into the seat.
. . .
Demetri bolted into his seat. From the second he saw her brown hair move against her arm as she placed her bag in her locker, he knew he was in deep shit. Slamming his locker shut, Demetri ran through the hallways and into his English class, practically throwing himself into his seat.
"The bitches witch in the wicked west is back" he panted, his sudden movements had caught the attention of the other three people sitting at his table. Eli, Miguel and Aisha
"Who?" Miguel questioned
"I said — the bitchest witch in the wicked west—" Demetri was cut off with Miguel questioning who she was again.
"Her names Evangeline, but be careful who you say it around" Demetri whispered, looking around himself carefully "if you think Yasmins evil, know that Evangelines a thousand times worse, she's a snake, she's gonna eat us up."
"Evangeline? The one that's in our group?" Miguel asked "I thought you said she was on a vacation"
"Clearly, She's back" Demetri replied "and shes more beautiful than ever."