Chapter 1

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"I can't believe we've been here for over a week and nothing happened yet. That's new for us." Carl said to his father Rick.

He was laying in the grass next to the girl Enid he had met a few days ago. Rick simply nodded and stared at the watchtowers protruding over the walls. He could see Sasha and Deanna's son, Spencer keeping lookout.

"Who knows? Maybe we've found ourselves a temporary home." Rick answered.

Rick had to admit, he kind of liked this place. The people were friendly and you hardly see fighting. It was peaceful. What he liked most about it was this girl he met, Jessie.

Jessie was a very sweet woman, but something seemed to trouble her. He promised himself he would find out what that something was.

A day or two ago, He remembered going to a party, discovering that Jessie had been married. But he couldn't forget about kissing her cheek.

There was something about her that he really liked. Was it because she reminded him of Lori? He missed his wife, but he knew that that part of his life was behind him, He would never get her back, no matter how much he wished for it.

Maybe it was...

Rick was pulled out of his thoughts by a tapping on his shoulder.

"Dad, Judith is crying." His son told him.

He went into his house, picking up his daughter from her crib, looking out the window at her house. Jessie was sitting on her porch, red eyed as if she had just finished crying.

"Rick, we need to talk."

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