Chapter 6: Project Partners

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This chapter is dedicated to LaurenGElliot for giving me this idea. Thank you so much :)
Y/N's P.O.V.
Ugh!!! I hate mondays.
"Okay class, today we I am going to assign you your partners for the project I told you about. Okay then lets start with pairing," I sighed knowing I was going to get stuck with one of those dumb jocks that won't of any of the work. "Johnson and Smith, Roberts and Cooper, King and Newman, Jauregui and, " Please don't be me. Please don't be me. "Y/LN." Ugh!!! Mrs. Pierce did that on purpose. I rolled my eyes and looked at Lauren who was sitting diagonally in front of me. She was looking down at her notebook and... is she smiling. Why is she smiling? Whatever. Mrs. Pierce finished pairing the class with their partners and explain the project to us. "Okay since its that beginning of the year we are doing this project to get to know some of our classmates. You will start by writing a paragraph or two about how you think the other person lives and what their life is like. Then you will have to spend a whole day with that person and then write about what their life is really like whether you were right or not. You may meet up with your partners now." I rolled my eyes and huffed. I can't believe I have to spend time with the girl that has made my life a living hell for the past 5 years.
Lauren's P.O.V.
OMG!!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!! I can't believe that I get to spend time with Y/N. I stood up a grabbed my stuff then walked over to Y/N and sat down in the chair next to her. She turned her head then showed me a small smile. My heart fluttered and I slimed back.
"Okay so maybe we'll start writing today then on Wednesday... um you could hang with me and then on Thursday I could hang with you then we can write about each others live and we'll be done by friday. Would... um that be uh okay maybe?" She nodded her head "Okay" She replied. We turned around and started writing the first part of our assignment.
*Lunch Time*
I ran into the cafeteria looking for Normani and Ally. When I spotted them I quickly walked to them and said, "Guys I got paired with Y/N for a project in Mrs. Pierce's class. I'm so happy I get to spend time with her, like just one on one." When I finished they sat down revealing Dinah and Camila sitting across from them. I froze knowing that they had heard what I said about Y/N.
"You like Y/N?" Dinah questioned. I stared at her then looked at Camila, the only other person who knew about my crush on a certain brunette.
"Well... uh um I... uhhhh. Yes." I sighed looking down. When i looked back up Normani and Ally had shocked faces while Dinah had smirk plastered across her face.
"Lo, why didn't you tell us? We're your best friends, we tell each other everything." I sighed and sat down.
"I know I just thought that you guys would judge me for liking a 'nobody'. " I answered putting air quotes around the word nobody.
"Heyyyy!!!!! We are not nobodies. We prefer to be called lone wolfs." Camila defended smiling.
"Shut up Camila." Dinah spoke. "Just don't call us nobodies if your going to be calling Y/N your girlfriend."
"Right sorry. Just please don't tell Y/N about this." I pleaded. " And when did you guys become friend?" I asked confused.
" I wouldn't say we're friend... yet. We are just lab partners for the semester. But to be honest they are pretty cool. So may we have your blessing to befriend Dinah Jane Hansen and Karla Camila Cabello, My Queen." Normani spoke in an awful british accent.
" You have my blessing peasant." I laughed.
"Heyyyy!!!!" Normani said hitting my arm. We all started laughing.
"What's going on?"

Y/N's P.O.V.
"What's going on?" I questioned the table full of laughing girls. Dinah stood up and stood next to me.
"Well these are our new... friends." Dinah said holding my shoulders. I froze. WHAT!?!?!?!?
"FRIENDS!!!!" I shouted. The entire cafeteria was silent and all eyes were on us. I was fuming with anger. I can't believe this. I stormed out of the school, I soon realized that I don't have a car. I started walking home. I felt hot liquid running down my cheeks as I turned the corner. HOW COULD THEY BEFRIEND THE THREE PEOPLE I DESPISED MOST IN THE WORLD!?!??!?!?! HOW COULD THEY BETRAY ME LIKE THAT!?!?!?!?!?! I went straight to my room when I got home and flopped onto my bed. I soon fell asleep already tired from the day.
*Next Morning*
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and quickly turning it off. I sat up remembered the events from yesterday. I grabbed my phone and texted Dinah.
Me: I don't need a ride to school today.
Dinah: Why???
I didn't reply. I just got up and got ready for the day.
*Lunch Time*
I was walking down the hallway when Dinah and Camila stopped me.
"We are really sor-"
"Save it okay I don't want to hear it. " I quickly cut them off already fustrated. I entered the cafeteria and walked to an empty table. I sat down and began eating my lunch. Soon Camila and Dinah walked in. We locked eyes for just a moment, then they looked away walking to the table with the three she-devils. I sighed sadly .
This is going to be a long day.
A/N Heyyy. Here is an update, I hope you guys like it. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had writers block. But i'm back with new ideas. Thanks for reading. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! <3
P.S. The idea for the project is not mine I got it from the book called Steal Your Heart (Camila/You) by SunshineCamila

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