"Thank you so much. That means so much to me. I will be sure to get the boys out here to meet you girls" I told them. One of them then gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Casey!? CASEY?!" I heard Jay yell through the flat. I started to smile really big.

"I think that Jay is worried. That is so cute." The little girl said. Everyone laughed. Jay then flung the door open and took a step outside. Luckily, he had his pants on, but his shirt wasn't buttoned up and his tie was just hanging around his neck and he had no shoes on. It was pretty funny to see.

"Casey?" He yelled. The girls started to laugh.

"I am here." I said. He and I made eye contact and he ran over to me. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought that I had lost you again. Please tell me where you are going, from now on." He said as quietly as he could, but I know that the girls heard it.

"Jay, I am okay. And I will next time. Go get dressed and then come back out here and meet your fans." I told him. He let go and looked at the girls. He smiled at them and waved at one of their cameras. He walked back in the flat and I turned to look at the girls.

"He really cares for you! It is so sweet!" They all said. We all talked for a little while longer. When the boys came out, the girls got really excited. They all got pictures with the boys and we got one big group picture. The girls kept telling me that they were glad that Jay and I were dating. I felt like this was one of the most amazing moments that I have experienced. The van then came to pick us up, we loaded our luggage in, said one more goodbye, and left.

The ride to the airport was short. There were a lot more fans at the airport. I got asked the smae questions again. This time, we only had 30 minutes to talk to them. The girls were really happy. There were a couple of girls who were there to meet Nareesha and not the boys, which I thought was hilarious.

We got on a plane. I sat between Siva and Tom. Tom kept looking at Kelsey who was sitting across the aisle from him.

"Hey, when we get on the train, do you want me to check on your bandages?" Siva whispered in my ear. I looked at him and nodded my head. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

I have never liked flying. I flew in a plane, once. I was with my mother and we were going to Italy from Russia. I guess that is now making me really nervous, because my domain is so far from me. I tried to relax, but it really wasn't working. I started to clench my jaw.

"Woah, Casey, stop that." I heard Tom say. I looked at him and he already got up. He came back with in seconds, with a napkin. He started to dab my cut.

"You were bleeding. It didn't get on your clothes." He told me. I took the napkin from him and held it to my face.

"Just calm down. We will be there in about ten minutes." Siva said. I then saw Jay standing next to Siva.

"Seev, could you and I switch seats?" Jay asked him. Siva got up and switched with Jay. He grabbed my hand and rubbed it. I started to calm down. By the time that the plane had landed, I was almost completely calm. We got off of the plane and we were rushed to the train station.

We got on the train and I instantly felt more comfortable. We had a whole car to ourselves. It was really nice. There was a table that seated 4, a couple of couches, a bar with a TV, and restroom. I sat down on one of the couches with Nareesha and Kelsey.

"I have always hated plane trips." Nareesha confessed.

"I second that." I told her. She and Kelsey laughed. Siva pulled me aside.

"Let me know when you want me to check out the burns, okay?" He said. I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Thank you and I will let you know." I then went back and sat with the girls. We talked about what we saw while we were on the plane. Apparently, Kelsey was stuck next to a man that smelt like a goat. Jay and Nathan then came with glasses of wine.

"Here you go. We figured that you girls would like these." Nathan said as he handed a win glass to Nareesha and one to Kelsey. Jay handed me, mine.

"Thanks!" We told them. They then went back with the guys. We drank out wine and talked about what movies that we want to see.

3 hours into the train ride, Tom and Kelsey fell asleep on a couch, Max and Nathan were getting into the football match on the TV, Siva and Nareesha were talking to each other on the floor, and Jay was holding me on a couch.Everything was perfect.

"Casey, I love you. You know that?" He said. I looked up at him and smiled.

"You know that I love you more, right?" I told him. He smiled and kissed me. I licked his lower lip and he allowed me entrance. I then placed a hand on his crotch. He moaned and pulled away.

"We can't here." He whispered. I smiled at him.

"GO! GO! GO! YES!" Max and Nathan chanted. That made me look at them. Jay just laughed. I looked over to see that Kelsey was being cuddled by Tom. It was so cute. Sive then got up and walked to the door that connected our car to the train.

"Hey, I am going to go see  when dinner is. Do either of you want to come with me?" He asked. We declined and he want alone. Nareesha came over and sat with us.

"So what were you tow talking about?" I asked her. She smiled and looked at us.

"We were talking about some of the fans that he met today. They really make him happy." She said. Then Siva came rushing back into the car. He slammed the door and tried to hold it shut. I saw, through the windows, an explosion.

It hit us within seconds. I saw an orange cloud, then I saw nothing.


I know that this chapter is short, but I wanted a nice cliff hanger.

I would love some feedback!

Shadows (A Jay McGuiness story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora