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Chan took a seat on the bench. His bottom felt chilly, as the water soaked his pants. But his eyes felt more wet at the moment. 

That bench. A place where so much had happened. Or maybe not. Chan's mind did not believe anything anymore. 

He looked to the side. There was a lonely leaf sitting next to him. An uneven leaf. From the texture and shape to the colours and size, it was imperfect.

'Your imperfections make you beautiful' Chan almost felt as if he heard Minho's honey voice. It lingered in his head like an earworm.

The daisy shrub smiled warmly at him, and Chan returned the smile, but a sad one. The daisies illuminated Minho's face, making him feel warm in the cold night.


Laughter filled the vicinity as the two boys bonded over their personal experiences.

"That's a very peculiar yet interesting way one would find comfort in drawing."

"Don't you think I'm peculiar?" Minho questioned with the cutest smile Chan has ever witnessed in his life.

"Indeed you are, enchantingly peculiar." Silence again but Chan so desperately needed to know more of his little crush, "I wanna see more of your paintings"

Minho's smile grew wider, "of course I'll bring more. Are you that interested in my work?"  

The other nodded. "But there's something else I'm more interested in." The younger raised an eyebrow.

Chan looked deep into his orbs, moving closer to him, "you" he whispered. 

Minho, for the 283738283th time ever since he first met Chan three months ago, felt his inner workings get completely out of order. As if his heart stopped the job of pumping blood and now the whole body was engaging in it. He has reached a point even the sight of Chan excited him, maybe even just the thought of him.

Minho decided to break the silence, "why?"

Chan slightly shifted his gaze up into the sky, as though he was thinking of the best possible answer, and his little smirking smile gave Minho a pre-idea of what it is.

"You're just perfect Minho. I never believed in God but now I think I do. Who else would have the power to create such a gorgeous work of art like you? It's as if he wanted to leave all the sculptors in the world speechless with a beauty like you. But that's not it..... Your heart." Chan trailed off as he himself felt his heartbeat racing, " It's the most genuine and soft thing to ever exist. The way your eyes sparkle when drawing daisies and cats and children, the happiness that emanates from your smile when looking at them is by far the most precious thing ever..... I'm sorry am I being cheesy?"

Minho felt as if his emotions could not have been recounted by any language out there, as though not even he himself could pinpoint what exactly he felt.

"I... I don't know hyung, that was... Wow"

"You are wow"

"I don't think I can say alot of nice things for you because I'm not skilled in that but I can say that you are very beautiful too" Minho said feeling guilty that his words meant nothing compared to Chan's.

"Me? Beautiful? I'm not so sure Min. Have you seen how uneven my face is? One side is higher than the other, it's very asymmetrical to me. There's so much of weirdness in my face that I refuse to agree with you."

Minho stared deep into the boy who just spoke and shook his head in disappointment. He stood and walked towards the shrub of daisies. It was nearly midnight and the faint light of the distant streetlight was all there was. 

Minho knelt down and  gently held a daisy in his hand and motioned Chan to come join him, which the older immediately did.

"Do you see how imperfect these flowers are? One is small the other big, the textures different, one being off-white the other pure white. You see how unique they're? Do you think any flower would've been beautiful if they all looked, felt and meant the same? It's the same with you Channie, your imperfections make you beautiful"

By then Chan had knelt beside Minho, their knees barely touching. Chan felt his hand involuntarily hold the other's, making them both look at each other.

Minho was the first to smile, his hand leaving Chan's and reaching up to his face. He freely roamed his hand over every facial feature of the older boy.


Minho's thumb caressed the latter's cheek gently. Chan had casually closed his eyes to feel the warmth of his lover's hand.

Their faces already in a close proximity, Chan took the advantage of pulling him closer. His lips touched the bridge of the other's nose, and he slowly made his way down pecking the tip of Minho's nose earning small giggle from him. And in a second, their lips crashed against each other.

An explosion. That's what happened inside if both of them.

As they gently moved their lips and bodies together, Chan felt the need to explore more of the pretty boy. His tongue travelled inside of Minho's mouth, taking a taste of it all. His desire of feeling all of Minho was finally happening, so he moved deeper, the younger moaning in response. They broke away, panting, laughing hysterically.

And for a good 30 minutes they continued touching each other with their tongues.

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