Chapter 9:

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Madison's P.O.V
1 year later..

"Hey Tatiana!" I said as I sat down on the couch with my phone in my ear.

Hey Mad's!" She said "Are you busy?" I asked. "U- well ha act-"

"Are you going to be with Nash AGAIN today?" I cut her off. "Yea, I'm sorry Mad's," she said "You can hang out with Jack!"

"But I want to hang out with my best friend," I whined. "Sorry Mad's I got to go." she said and the line went dead.

I sighed and layed down on the couch bored since Ryder is at his camp and my parents are at work.

"Hey Madison!" I look up and see Jack putting some brown bags on my kitchen counter.

Jack and I have become so much closer ever since Tatiana and Nash started dating.

"Hey," I said. "how did you come in? I swear I locked my door. "I know where you put the spare keys." he said.

"Oh," I said and got up and walked to the kitchen. Jack always brings some food since he always comes over.

But we're still friends. Just friends. "What's wrong?" He asked and I looked at him since he already knows the answer.

"Same," he says as he got out the candy. Jack J is dating a girl named Jessica he meet 2 months ago.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "Lets go swimming," he said looking out side.

"Okay," I shrugged and ran upstairs and changed into my black swimsuit and put on a white cover up on top. I didn't have any make up on so I just tied up my hair.

I ran downstairs and see Jack in my backyard. "Im back," I said as I sat two towels down.

As I was taking off my cover up, Jack didn't have a shirt on and I couldn't help but stare. luckily he was turned around.

"You like what you see?" He asked. How did he know I was staring? i blushed biting my lip and slipped on my sunglasses.

"I don't know what your talking about." I said and then immediately felt my self being lifted up and next thing you know it, I'm in the cold water.

I came up for air and saw Jack laughing . "Jack!" I said splashing water at him. "You should have seen your face!"
3 hours later.

"I'm hungry," I said splashing water "Same," Jack said. "lets get some food," Jack said.

"I'm to lazy," I said."Why are you always lazy," Jack chuckled going to the stairs.

"Wait!" I screamed and he turned to me. "can you carry me?" I frowned and he laughed. "Why what's up with your legs? They can't move on their own?" He questioned.

"Yea," I said making a sad doggy face,"fine," he said as he came down to the stairs and picked me up.

"Thank you Jacky boo!" I laughed "Oh please don't call me that," he said. "Why not jacky boo!"

"I don't like jacky boo mady bear!" He said and I smiled "I like that name!" I said.

"Your so cute jacky boo!" I said squeezing his checks. He laughs and places me on his lap.

"What do you want?" He asked. "I don't know.." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Let's get in n out" he said "Lets watch a movie to," I said "okay I'm going to get the food," he said as he placed me on the couch and got up to get his keys.

"Okay," I said. "double double and a strawberry milkshake!" I screamed going up the stairs.

I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt with some socks.

"I'm back!" Jack said, I ran down the stairs and meet him in the kitchen.
"Let's go in the theatre room," I said.

"I'm going to shower," Jack said and I nodded. I searched through some movies until I saw the giver.

Jack came out in minutes in a black v neck and sweats. "So what movie?" Jack asked "The giver!" I said.

Jacks P.O.V

Madison and I were cuddling together while watching The Giver and eating. i heard light snores coming from Madison.

She probably is asleep. Gosh she looks so fucking beautiful when she's asleep. I'm in love with her. But all I am to her is a friend.

I looked down at her and kissed her forehead "Sweet dreams baby girl. I wish you knew how much I love you. And want to call you mine," I said giving her a kiss on the forehead, but right after that,


Hey guys! Sorry cliffhanger lol. I haven been updating and I'm so sorry my phone froze when I was at the mall 2 days ago and my laptop is also broken so I just got my laptop fixed yesterday and now I can write my book!

And I hope you enjoyed this and just wait for the next chapter ;)

-Hanna ❤️

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