"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts.
"Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even talking about."
"The way he touched your arm. That's what people do when they wanna fuck someone." He looks down at his paper and continues to...
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I stand there, watching Elijah walk away. My mind is a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, I'm angry that he walked away from me like that. On the other hand, I know that he's unfortunately right. I've been playing a dangerous game, flirting and toying with him without thinking about the consequences.
I take a deep breath and compose myself before heading back to the table. The rest of the group is still engaged in their conversation, seemingly oblivious to the tension between me and Elijah. I take my seat, stealing glances at Elijah every so often.
As the night goes on, I alternate between avoiding Elijah's gaze altogether and stealing furtive glances his way. Each time our eyes meet, I quickly look away, my heart racing in spite of myself. The conversation around the table continues, but my mind is elsewhere, wrestling with the thoughts and emotions that Elijah's words and attitude have triggered within me.
I'm starting to realize that I may have feelings for him, like actual real feelings, and it's making me feel incredibly vulnerable and confused...
"Are you guys done eating? I can give you a tour?" One of the French girls my brother brought along speaks, her accent insanely heavy.
"Oh, sure," Harper replies. "Let's go."
"Wait—"Colton speaks— "who's paying?"
"Oh crap," she thinks.
"Oh, I can pay if you guys want. Just pay me back later," Elijah offers.
"Wait what? Are you sure, Elijah?"
"Yeah, it's no problem." He shrugs and puts his card in the bill. "Everyone just pays back their half when they can."
The rest of the group nods and agrees, thanking Elijah for paying. We all stand up and start heading out after everything's paid for.
We follow the French girls out of the restaurant and onto the cold Parisian night. The streets are alive with people and cars, the faint sound of music and conversation filling the air. We follow them through the streets, the cobblestone roads creating a maze of twists and turns.
"What time do you think Mr. Thomas wants us back?" Lynn asks everyone.
"I dunno. It might not matter since Lavender's here. He won't get mad at her," Harper teases.
I throw my head back and roll my eyes.
Elijah lets out a small laugh at Harper's comment but quickly stops himself. He clears his throat and speaks. "I think he said room checks are at ten. We have a little time."
We continue to the second stop on the tour, a beautiful bridge that overlooks the Seine River. The water is lit by the city lights, creating a mesmerizing effect. The French girl, whose name is apparently Coralie, explains the history and significance of the bridge, and the group takes a moment to soak in the breathtaking view.