When Forever Changes

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Book - When Forever Changes
Autor - Siobhan Davis

This book is like living a life. It's not just a story; it's an experience that makes you feel the entire spectrum of emotions. You will be happy, sad, crying, and laughing, sometimes all at once. Every character is deep and real, with relatable traits. You don't completely hate or love any of them, yet you feel strongly for all of them. The book is filled with good moments, bad moments, and heart-wrenching moments, but every page and word is worth it. From the first page to the end, "When Forever Changes" is a masterpiece. I expected heartbreak, but reading it was an ethereal experience. 

Gabrielle is stunning, not just for her looks but for who she is. Dylan is complicated. Gabrielle's family, especially her brothers, are intricately woven into the plot. However, Slater Evans will steal your heart. He is smart, handsome, caring, and sensitive. He embodies the perfect stereotype of a book boyfriend while also defying stereotypes. Slater is a gem, and the author has written him in a way that makes you want to give him everything, even though you can't control the story's progression. That is the power of this book. It is a must-read.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Favorite Part: The wedding video

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