Harry who?

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You sit in class taping your pencil on the desk waiting for class to be over. You hated school for the reason that the people that went to your school were stuck up and preppy. You hated it. You where different compared to them. You didn't have the nice expensive short dresses all the girls wore with their matching backpacks and nice shoes.

Today you wore your torn jeans, black crop top tank (that was really flowy) and some knock off vans. You also were wearing your plain black backpack. It wasnt that you where ugly neccessarly, you constantly got compliments outside of school but just not at school. People thought you were "damaged". They also all had the same cars. They were all sporty cars and very expensive but you didn't bother knowing what kind of brand it was. You drove a jeep. An all black jeep. And it was your favorite thing in the whole world. And you loved it. Your mom was an alchoholic which kinda sucked but she still loves you and you knew she did but somtimes you couldn't bare the fact she was basically killing herself.Your father is very rich but he hasn't lived with you since you where in the womb. Your parents where teens when they had you and your dad ran away said it was "too much responsibility" a couple months ago though you got in contact with him and he sent you the car as a gift.

You didn't blame him for leaving you but you still wished he had occasionally tried to keep in touch. You hear the bell ring and throw all your books into your backpack racing through the door. You pass by some girls who purposely bumped into you kind of throwing you off balance but not so much so that you fell.

"Oops sorry" says Meghan. Meghan is the spawn of Satan. She is your step sister. Your fathers child and you HAAATTEEDD her.

"Watch where your going dumb ass" you say to her. Usually if it was anyone else you wouldn't have added "dumb ass" but for her it was needed. She made your life a living hell. It's because of her the whole school knows about your mothers addiction

"So what's it like to be poor I mean your mom-" she begins but you just walk away leaving her to talk to herself. You hear her huph and stomp way in her heels and you smile a little.

You get to your car and throw everything in. You had to go shopping because your mom asked you to find her a couple things from the thrift shop which is great because one thing you loved about the place where U lived is the fact that there was a thrift shop but also the store next door that sold albums. Not in CDs but the big black huge ones. You lived for them.

You start the car and put on a little bit of panic at the disco and drive to the thrift shop first. As you pull in the driveway and grab your worn down purse that you had gotten at the thrift shop you notice a dark expensive van parks next to you. Because the windows are tinted you cant see anyone inside, so you just put on your bag and climb out your car locking the door and walking for the thirft shop. When you get in your greeted by the rusty smell and cheap perfume.

"Hey Y/N" says the manager Suzy

Suzy was good friends with your mom and was the only adult that had ever shown you kindness, she even stood by you when she found out about your mothers addiction.

"Hey Suzy" You smile and wave walking toward her

"How are you?" she asks

"Im fine how bout you"

"Good, hows your mother"

You give her a narrow look

"As good as an addict can be i guess" you shrug

Suzy leans over the counter and rubs your arm

"You stay strong ok"

You nod and give her a smile

"So you mother told me what she wanted and i have it in the back if you wanna go get it, we are supposed to be getting some very big costumers," she looks at her watch "At about now"

"Who?" you asked as you started walking into the back (you where aloud because you frequently worked there)

"A group called one direction"

"Who are they?"

"shh shh they're coming in now" She says and you walk out of the back holding a cardboard box full of the things your mother wants 

You see 4 boys walk in. One blonde, and three brunettes. The tall one with the long hair looked at you and smiled.

You just nodded your head in his direction letting him know you saw him

You turn back to Suzy

"You need any help here cause i was thinking about going to the record shop real quick"

You shift the box in your hand, damn this is heavy you thought

"Um i dont think so but thank you honey"

You walk over to her and you give her a kiss on the cheek. She was basically your second mom

You start to walk out but then notice the pile of girl that are starting to cover up the exit.

"umm suzy?" You say keeping your eyes on the girls that had gone from 5 to at least 20.

Suzy walks away from her table and comes to join you

"Jesus" She whispers

"Sorry we tend to have a group of them following us everywhere" The curly boy says walking up to you

He waves through the glass and the screaming gets louder

You flinch not expecting it. Your ears will be ringing for the rest of your life.

"Oh do you need help with that" He says pointing to your box

"Um i would say yes but it would probably be best if i just walked to my car alone so we dont get mobbed" you say shifting the box in your arms again

"Oh wait there is a back door you can go through" Suzy says

The boy then picks up the box from your hands

"Which way" he says

You give him a wierd look

"I dont even know your name"

He looks a little taken back, probably because everyone knows him and you dont

"Harry, Harry Styles"

Then he became familiar Meghan had a picture of him in her locker along with all the other fan girls at your school

"Oh so your the famous Harry Styles"

Harry scrunches his brows together

"Well ya"

"Ive seen you in about every girls locker at my school...and a couple of the guys too" You smile as you open the back door and start the walk outside to your car

"Gotta love the fans"

You smile. You get to the car and unlock it with your key. Then you open the trunk and Harry places the box in.

"Thanks" You say as you turn to face him

"Anytime" he says back "Well i think i should get going the guys probably need me to pick out something for the concert" he says

"Ya cool" you say puting your hair behind your ear "It was nice meeting you"

"The pleasure is all mine"

He says and he walks back into the shop as you get into your car



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