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~ some nights later ~

"Bae...get that for me." Destiny barely got up. She was standing on her tippy toes, reaching into the kitchen cabinet. "The plate?" I questioned, walking up behind her.

"Yea." she nodded, getting off her tippy toes. I felt her ass rub against me slightly. "Ight, watch out." I told her, moving her to the side.

"And then can you get me some aluminum foil? I'm gonna wrap up the leftovers." Destiny explained. "Yea, I got you." I nodded. Destiny then went back to cleaning off the counter.

Lyric had just went to bed not long ago, and now Destiny and I were cleaning up the kitchen.

"Hm." I handed Destiny the plate and aluminum foil. "Thank you." she mumbled, focused on wiping the counter.

I nodded, before going back to cleaning the dishes. I occasionally looked over at Destiny, mostly staring at her ass. She was wearing boxers and one of my t-shirt's.

Heard about having an ass so fat it swallow panties, but if your ass swallowing boxers...good lord. And that's what Destiny's ass was doing.

Destiny started talking, taking me out of my thoughts.

"I think I'm finally bouta get my period again. Cause my titties been sore and sensitive as fuck lately. And this damn birth control needs to stop fucking with my hormones so much..." she rambled.

"Oh shit! Bae, maybe that's why I've been gaining weight and shit. I mean, I think my titties got a little bigger too. Due to weight gain. You think that's why?" Destiny then asked.

"Uh, I don't know. I guess it could be. But you been on the same birth control for almost a year, so why would it just now start?" I wondered.

"I meann, I'm no genius or anything but...I'm pretty sure you would've been started gaining weight- not that you are gaining weight." I slightly stuttered.

"So you just think I'm fat? Cause I eat too much? That's what you're sayin...you know what, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Tayleigh." Destiny started to walk off.

"Why you keep putting words in my mouth? I don't like when you do that shit." I expressed.

"I don't give a fuck what you like. Goodnight. Sleep on the motherfucking couch. Cause I don't even wanna look at you, or be next to you." Destiny waved me off.

"Ight bruh. Fuck you. Cause I ain't even do shit." I shrugged, shaking my head. "Shut up." Destiny said, walking off.

"Who...little girl who you talking to?" I asked.

Destiny continued walking, not responding to me. Surprisingly, I ignored her and went back to cleaning the kitchen. Once I finished, I did in fact go lay on the couch.

I was not in the mood for Destiny's weird ass mood swings. Fuck wrong with her?

"Yoo-" I laughed a little, scrolling on my phone. I turned on my side a little and got comfortable. About ten or fifteen minutes had gone by.

As I was in the midst of texting my brother back, Destiny had texted me. I quickly finished responding to my brother and went to open Destiny's message.

Recurrence: InceptionWhere stories live. Discover now