18. Touch me Please

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" Will you please take me to Riddhimaan Sir's house?"

My heart races with anticipation, as I think about how he is going to react, I behaved so badly with him.

Shall I buy him some flowers?

Or shall I buy some cookies for him

But he does not even like sweets.

The car already halts in front of a huge house.

" Maam we have reached" As the driver says I step down

A huge house painted completely white evoking grandeur and elegance, A manicured lawn stretches out in front, dotted with white flowers.

I am about to enter it, when an old man stops me.

" Excuse me? Who are you ? " He scans me from head to toe.

" Is Riddhimaan sir inside ? I need to meet him" I inform him clasping my hands together.

" Yes, he is, but who are you?"He is still scrutinizing me as if I will attack him anytime soon.

" I am his student, will you please inform him?" I smile at him, although he looks least bothered

" Student? Kindly get out, he allows no student inside his house" He retorts raising his palm and shows me the exit gate.

" No, please , I need to meet him, it is urgent, please" I nearly beg him, his features soften for a bit, but he doesn't change his statement

" Sorry, maam, I can't "

" Please, just tell him once that it is important " I request him again, I am not going home without meeting him today, that's it.

" I can't , do you want me to lose my job? He is very selective about people going inside " He speaks as if I am a terrorist, and I will blow out his house. Why is this man like this?

" But , I will just take 5 mins" I try to convince him once again, I will just meet him, I don't want much just a glimpse of him.

" kindly go back " his reply curt and harsh and he starts moving towards the lawn

I am about to leave the place with a heavy heart but I just want to try one last time.

" Will you just once, only for once tell him that a girl named Naisha has come to meet him, please"

And he immediately stiffens

" Why didn't you tell that earlier?" He looks at me as if he has seen a ghost

" I am so sorry, I am so sorry, I am so sorry " he keeps on repeating like a chant

" Why are you behaving like this" I look at him confused and clueless, his approach took a 180° turn just after hearing my name

" Maam , please don't tell him, that I didn't let you enter first, please" He fold his hands requesting me

" Hey , it's okay, it's totally fine " I assure him while He leads me inside the house

A huge hallway, intricate and majestic, with everything white, white walls, white floor, white ceiling, white furniture,
who paints their entire home white?

My eyes keep on scrutinizing his interiors, there is absolutely nothing there, no wall hangings, no accessories, no tapestries just a white mansion

" That's his room ,you can go " He leaves me in front of a white door

I knock on it once, no answer, twice no answer

So I slowly open the door and enter inside,

A huge room painted white with white curtains hanging against the window, just a big white wardrobe and white couch.

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