DonnaSharples's Competition Corner

78 5 2

Organized by DonnaSharples

We had a great response to the competition and I'm happy to see the basics got your imagination in overdrive. Here are the entries:

Zack's Turn by Richard Staschy:

Dr. Robin is not your typical mad scientist. Her skin is darker than her heart, her eyes have an icy blue glow and her lips are blood red. She has really long legs and wears black knee high boots because they look good on her. Her attire was skimpy and revealing, because she really, really loves her attractive shell. And because things do get messy, she wore her elbow length black rubber gloves and bloody black rubber apron. “The doctor is ready!”

Her assistant is a poltergeist. His name is Zack the Clown. Her phantom helper looks like an undead clown with deep red eyes, a saggy red nose, fuzzy red hair, very long red shoes and a unearth sky-blue jumpsuit with the prison numbers hoh404 on his front and back.

And the two made zombies in their science lab, thanks to the regenerating properties from their prisoner the Swamp Thing.

Dr. Robin used her long syringe and siphons the quick healing DNA from the Swamp Thing and injects the fluid into a test-tube contraption that swirled, twirled, and mixed with other enzymes.  Then the mixture transferred from jar to jar and then finally dispensed into a test-tube. Dr. Robin abstracted the refined mixture with a newer syringe and injects the serum into the center of both pupils of a dead man. The dead guy was a security guard that thought it was a good time to play with the Doctor. He’s death was quick and painless. She didn’t want to damage the handsome shell. She did drill three holes in his head so the wires could hook into the brain. The other end of the three wires was attached to a headpiece.

Soon his eyes had an icy blue glow, his fingers twitched and a moan eased from his lips.

Zack was excited. He wore the headpiece and said, “I’m ready!”

The Pity of Life by VampireBites53:

Travis ran his hands through his short black hair as he locked the secret entrance of the crypt to the underground lab. As he made his way inside he smiled at his accomplish John who was feeding the re-animated corpse they created. Both of them wanted to make a life after death and they soon found a chemical to create life—but nothing like the one the created. This creature that was a freshly new decomposing corpse was a zombie. They made the dead live again but as something worse. Something that had no soul and would eat any human or animal flesh they could get there dead hands on. They wanted to prove they were the best scientist around who create something such as life.

                A loud scream brought Travis back to reality as he looked over to John; his body was being ripped open limb to limb. The monster they created got loose and flung her-self onto the ground with John. Travis quickly grabbed a syringe that held a thick green liquid and stabbed his skin with it. Letting the deadly chemicals kill his cells as he transformed into a new form of the curse they created. His body flung to the cold outside world and he took the first person he saw, a teenage boy smoking.

He ripped open the kid’s throat and tore the kids flesh with his sharp teeth, letting the blood and meat of the kid slide down his throat with ease. Soon he made his way with the female zombie to gain another victim. They both bit anyone in there way and tore anyone who looked appetizing. Travis didn’t want the name of him and his friend to look this bad, but his new mind controlled him to kill. He didn’t care if he was the insane scientist who destroyed the world—as long as he had human flesh to feed off of he was happy. He felt alive and complete again.

First Prey by ArmandDC

ON A CLOUDLESS AUGUST NIGHT, shadows ascended on the cold, foamy earth. The moon lent a slight shine to the dark night time sky; its perfect crescent shape glowed strikingly. Anton Ramirez stared from his office window, gritting his teeth against, envious of the moon’s ravishing gleam.

This half-devoured milk cookie in the air was so perfect, and Anton wondered: how could the moon get to be so perfect, and him to be impossibly miserable? Anton would never know the answer.

He worked overtime tonight. No pay. Payment was no use now.

From the room, across the blindingly white hallway, was Laura Montreal, her cold, flaking skin laid unmoving on a steel bed. Her father was Eddie Montreal, owner of Philippine Medical Aiders, this non-government medical body which, according to the tacky slogan “invigorates medical science.”

Laura’s body has been there for weeks, guarded by his father who only landed foot outside that room yesterday, weeping and bleeding impossibly, and started the exit door.  No word about him since.

Anton was only there to work, a weekday escape from his unenviable life. He didn’t imagine that tonight was the escape he long awaited.

As he was indulging this fancy, a metal thud interrupted. Thud! Then another.

Anton’s heart began pounding. He heard a dog-like retch, muffled, but vividly inviting, like an old man’s whore, an understandably irresistible allure.

Anton pranced frantically to the steel door, thudding over and over and over. He was hearing retching and growling, a hunger, a craving on the other side of The Door.

He opened it, to find Laura’s body, reanimated, blood dripping from her grayish flesh. Her left eye was scrapped out, leaving a big circle of red on her completely mangled face. Anton only watched as Laura (whatever this thing was) launched her body and feasted on his flesh.

He was supposed to be scared, and he was. But this was his escape. And if it meant to become first prey, Anton thought…

Lord, let it be.

I must admit it was hard as each and everyone of you kept to the rules and you all came up with some fabulous scenes. But the one that made me shudder the most was Zack's Turn by Richard Staschy. The idea of using a a reanimated corpse as a puppet was a brilliant idea.

Now for the next competition:

400 words max

1st person

Choose from one of these three characters:



Voodoo Priestess.

Scene: French street - New Orleans.

Please have your entries to me by 22nd March via a PM - please note that a link to your story does not qualify.

I hope you've enjoyed reading the entries and I look forward to reading your horror inducing submissions.

Dark Dimensions #13Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora