12//Unexpected Turn of Events//

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"Fantastic," Ruby says through her teeth. I look towards Winnie again who was already trying to catch my eye. She makes a mocking face towards the pissed-off demon while I silently laugh.

"This is just peachy," Ruby explains looking out the nearest window.

"Ruby—" Sam starts but is cut off.

"Shut up." She says raising her hand in a commanding gesture.

Sam just rolls his eyes and looks towards Dean who shrugs.

"Fine. Since there is no other option, there is only one other way I know how to get you out of here alive."

"What's that?" Dean asks.

"I know a spell. It will vaporize every demon, in a one-mile radius. Myself included. So you left the colt out of your sight, and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful." She says looking back and forth between Dean and Sam. "How's that for a death wish?" Ruby finishes.

"Okay. What do we need to do?"

While these guys sit and plan out what they need to do, I need to think. There has got to be a way for my weird abilities to kick in.

"Nobody here is a virgin!" I stop dead in my tracks. What?

I glance up and see the group having a heated argument.

"I find myself quite offended that you wouldn't even ask about the state of my virtue, Winchester," Winnie exclaims with an air of sarcasm.

"Oh, I'm sorry Winnie, I was only counting the functioning human beings in the room." Dean retorted shortly.

"Er, what's this about virgins?" Ruby's gaze slides over to Nancy, who is looking quite uncomfortable. Winnie glides over to me, obviously not wanting to continue her bantering with Dean.

"Ruby needs a virgin for her spell. Good thing we're safe huh bud? Hunters gotta hunt" she said winking at me.

"Not Nancy though."

"Why would I be safe again?" I ask her. I am so fucking screwed.

"Dumb ass, because we're both obviously not virgins. Right?" I stay silent. "Riggghtt?" I refuse to make eye contact.

"OH FUCK. NO WAY!" She yells. This, of course, makes everybody look my way.

"Rosa? There is no goddamn way you're a virgin. A hunter? I don't believe it. What do you do with your spare time? Play Boggle!?" Dean explains. I look towards Sam, slightly embarrassed, but he just gives me a small smile. Looking towards Nancy I notice that she is looking more relieved.

"So what do I have to do?" I ask still embarrassed.

"You can hold still." She pauses. "While I cut your heart out of your chest."

"The fuck you will!" I hear Winnie yell.

"Wow, what are you crazy?" Dean asks her while Sam moves over to me to hold my hand. I grip it tightly, slightly pissed off but slightly scared.

"I'm offering a solution." She states.

"You're offering to kill somebody!"

"And what do you think is going to happen to this girl, when the demons get in?"

"Why can't we use the Virgin Mary over there? I like her a whole hell of a lot less. You don't mind do you,  Nora?" Winnie directed at Nancy.

"It's Nancy..." she replied looking positively frightened.

They all began yelling about what was right and wrong, but I couldn't help think that we had no better options. Despite Winnie's cold – albeit heartfelt – suggestion, I could never let Nancy volunteer. It's me, or it's no one.

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