#Imagine with Harry Styles @Nandos then his house

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You and Harry were enjoying your food at Nandos. "Do want a bite?" Harry asked. You nod and open your mouth. He moves his fork close to your mouth but before it touched your lips he pulled it away and put in his mouth. You pretend to frown and he stick his tongue out at you. You laugh. He was hold a bite out again for you. You lean in quick and eat it before he can pull it away. He laughs and you two finish your dinner like that.

You and Harry had arrived home after Nandos. "Hey wanna watch a movie?" He asks taking your coat and hanging it up.

"Sure. Just let me change into something more comfortable." You smile then go change into your pjs. You come out and see Harry putting a movie. "Be right back." He says and walks past you to the bedroom. You sit down on the couch and see that he had put in Love Actually. You lean back and watch the previews. Harry sneaked out and jumps over the couch and lands next to you. He starts to tickle you and you tickle him back. Both of you fall back, tired and smile at each other. Harry kisses you on the nose and you smile. "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Lauren."

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