Joy, Boarding school for boys! Chapter 15

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“Ashley this is Angela, Mackenzie and Brooke, girls this is Ashley so become best friends!” Ethan grinned before walking away.

I looked back up at the girls who I had just been introduced to. “Hi,” I said wearily.

“Hey,” The girl who Ethan introduced as Mackenzie grinned at me. “Is she fucking gorgeous or am I just the only who thinks so?”

“No she’s gorgeous,” Angela smiled softly.

“So whose girlfriend are you?” This time it was Brooke who was speaking.

“I’m nobodies,” I said slowly. How did I tell these three girls that I was dating any of the guys but instead was going to the same school as them? “I actually go to school here…”

“So you’re the girl who Eric was telling me about,” Brooke grinned. “He didn’t do you justice when he described you!” Noticing my confused expression the girls simply laughed. “I’m his sister.” Looking at her now I could see faint similarities between the two like their hair and smiles.

“So are you guys all sisters to one of the guys here or what?” I asked. It turns out Mackenzie was Nate’s cousin and Angela was Jordan’s girlfriend who was a guy I had English with. To say I could see myself being friends this girl is an understatement. You know when you meet someone and it’s like you’ve known each other all your life? Well that’s how it was with these three. If I had to choose brand new best friends these would be the ones I picked hands down. At the current moment we were in my room as I told them all about Jace with a smile on my face the entire time.

“Do you have any pictures,” Brooke asked as soon as I finished telling her the story about how Jace once had the biggest tantrum in the world because I forgot to bring his favorite blankie into the store while we got groceries. I nodded my head and pointed at the wall of photo’s I had set up when I was redoing my room. Brooke and Angela bounded over to the wall to look while Mackenzie stayed to talk to me.

“Is it hard,” She asked quietly so the other girls wouldn’t hear. “I mean, my sister got pregnant when she was our age but she gave the baby up for adoption. She wanted to keep the baby of course but it was just that she knew she wouldn’t be good for him. A teen mom who is a recovering drug addict probably isn’t the best situation to bring a child into.”

“Adoption wasn’t an option for me; I was attached to Jace from the moment I found out.”

“How did your parents react?”

“Daddy didn’t want me to get rid of the baby while my mother did. She was furious when she found out, but then I guess I ruined all her hopes and dreams that she had for me. I was supposed to go to Yale, become a doctor or a lawyer. When I finished school I was supposed to focus on my career for a few years then find a nice guy that was just as successful as I was and settle down. I guess, to her the idea of abortion would make me able to continue her dream for me. Does it make me a bad mother to think that it would’ve been simpler to do what she wanted? I wouldn’t be here then, instead I’d be at home with my girls at some party.”

“It doesn’t,” Mackenzie promised. “At least not to me, by the way you talk you love your son but you want to make your mom proud. Has Ryan ever told you that his dad refuses to talk to him ever since he came out of the closet?” When I shook my head no she continued. “Apparently this girl he dated in high school figured out that he wasn’t actually into her, he was just using her to make it seem like he was straight. Anyways, he hadn’t come out to anybody yet, not even his family so when she found him hooking up with some guy she was pissed and decided she would tell the entire school. So the next day when he went to school everybody was making fun of him. At first, he didn’t understand but when he walked up to Mary-Kate and tried to put his arm around her, she pushed him away and told him what she had seen the night before. In shock, he ran out the door of the school and drove home. His parents were still there so instead of them finding out through somebody else he sat them down and told them everything. And when I say everything I literally mean everything, about how long he knew he was gay, why he dated Mary-Kate, and why he never came out before. His dad wouldn’t even look at him after that, told him that he wasn’t his son anymore and stormed out the door. Ryan’s mom tried to make him feel better by telling him that his dad still loved him but I guess he knew it was a mistake telling them. Anyways, his mom and him talk all the time but his still refuses to acknowledge him whenever he goes home. That’s one of the reason why he came here.”

“I thought it was what happened with Josh?” I asked confused. Why did Ryan lie to me?

“His mom didn’t want to send him away, the police didn’t know who did it but when he found out Josh was coming here Ryan saw it as the perfect chance to escape the hell hole he called a life.”

“I never knew,” I said quietly. “When I first got here I snapped at him for assuming that Jace was my little brother not my son but yet Ryan had to hide who he really was and now his Dad won’t even talk to him! I feel like such a bitch.”

“Don’t,” Mackenzie demanded. “Ryan hates when people feel sorry for him, he pretends like he’s okay so people won’t ask questions. Growing up with his dad was the hard enough so instead of saying he’s not okay he puts on a façade. In his mind it makes him easier.”

“Why would he do such a thing?”

“Promise not to tell him?” Mackenzie asked glancing over to see that Angela and Brooke were still looking at the pictures on my wall. “His dad always abused them because in his mind he could do so much better but he was stuck in some shitty ton with a wife who apparently was just some whore and lied to him so she could get him in bed and get knocked up so he would stay with her.”

“Oh my god.”

“Yeah, he doesn’t really tell people about it a lot, it’s not something he likes to remember.”

“I know how he feels,” I spoke softly thinking back to when I found out I was pregnant.

I stared down at the little stick that was supposed to confirm if I was going to be a mom or not. So far though there was nothing. Standing up I started pacing back and forth thinking of the possibilities, if I wasn’t pregnant then I could go on as if nothing happened but if I was then everything would change. I’d have to quit cheerleading, volleyball, everything. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to give that part of my life up because of a stupid mistake I had made when I was drunk.

As I waited to find out what was going to happen I thought about the possibilities. I could always get an abortion but I would feel like a terrible person for the rest of my life, I mean sure the baby wouldn’t really have been all that developed but I’d still feel like a murderer. Adoption is another option I guess, but would I be able to see that baby only once and know that it’s mine but yet still be able to give it to some random family I don’t even know? Most likely not, I just hoped I wouldn’t have to make a decision like that.

Walking over to the counter, I looked down at the pregnancy test to see two pink lines. “I’m pregnant,” I breathed. Ripping my phone out of my pocket I shakily called Tyler. As soon as I heard him say hello, I started to cry. How could I tell my boyfriend of less than a year I was pregnant? He didn’t want kids until he was older, I didn’t know if he even really wanted kids! I could hear him talking on the other end but I could hardly process what was going on. “Tyler,” I cried. “I’m pregnant.”

Joy, Boarding school for boys! (EDITING!!)Where stories live. Discover now