Liam let out a soft chuckle, he wiped the rest of the clown make up off his face. He was back into his normal clothes now, thankfully. "No, not really. I had to do it tonight, because my dad thinks that I should do more community service work. Well, really it's so that I could look like a good son for my dad. He wants his boss to think that he's the ideal family man with the ideal family. He wants to become president of his company next year, when his boss retires."

"Wow, that's so nice of you to do this for your dad. I mean, it takes a lot of guts to dress up as a clown,"I told him. "especially since you're not even getting paid." I really did think it was amazing though, I know that if I was in his position, I would kick and scream at the idea of dressing up as a clown at a carnival.

Liam grimaced. "It's not like I had a choice though,"

"You didn't have a choice?" I asked.

"No, my dad forced me too, it was either this or serve soup at a soup kitchen to homeless people. And there's no way I'm putting my gorgeous hair into a hair net."

I smiled at the thought of Liam wearing a hair net. "So a clown's much better than a hair net?"

"Oh, definitely," He nodded, then smirked. "Especially seeing the look on your face. It was priceless."

Great, he was back to being the annoying Liam now. I actually liked the other side of him, the one where he can actually talk to me without saying something rude or without making fun of me.

"Hey," I said, defensively. "I wasn't expecting a fun house full of clowns and you came out of nowhere."

Liam smiled. "Alright, I'll give you that,"

I like when Liam smiles, his whole face lights up making his milk chocolate brown eyes look warm and friendly.

Suddenly, I heard a buzzing noise, it sounded like a cellphone. I was about to check in my bag to see if it was mine, when Liam reached into his pocket and took out his phone. "It's mine,"

I nodded, and let him go about checking his message. His screen lit up to reveal a text message, I couldn't help but notice the word Jared in the inbox line.

So, it was a text from Jared. Interesting.

I leaned in a bit inconspicuously, so that I could read the message. I know snooping is bad, and this is a total violation of a person's privacy but, I'm on a mission, and this mission is called: Expose the Lying, Cheating, Idiotic Ways of Jared. I know, I know, too long. I'll think of a shorter name later.

Liam opened up the message and it read: "I'm at the carnival meet me at-"

Liam quickly shut his phone and looked over at me. "What are you doing?"

I felt myself flush. "Oh, I-uh, my earring fell on the floor and I can't see to well with this dim light. I-I was leaning over to see if I could-uh, find it with your cellphone light." I rambled on.

He gave me a strange look. "But you're wearing both of your earrings,"

I pulled on my earlobes and let out a nervous laugh. "Oh, well what do you know, they are there,"

He gave me the same strange look and stood up. "Okay, well listen, I got to go. This was fun," He winked at me. "We should do this again,"

I nodded and gave him a wave. I watched him walk all the way down to the popcorn stand before I decided to follow him.

Hey, wherever he's going, Jared's going to be there. And wherever Jared is, there's bound to be a girl with him. A girl that isn't Leah.


"Alright, alright, we need some more players for the ring toss, any takers?" A man wearing a long black and white hat and very colorful pants, announced. He was standing in front off a round table with a lot of glass bottles of different shapes and colors set up on it.

I kept myself hidden, behind a silver and blue statue of a ballerina standing on her toes. I have no idea what this statue has to do with a carnival, but it makes a great hiding spot, so I shouldn't question it too much.

I watched as two figures approached Liam. I leaned forward a bit, enough to keep myself hidden, to get a closer look. Sure enough, the two figures were Jared and a girl that was definitely not Leah. This girl had really long auburn hair, almost the color of copper. She was very pretty too, with long spiky lashes and perfectly glossed lips. Unbelievable. I can't seem to understand why Jared would be keeping this up. I mean, Leah is a fantastic girl. He doesn't need to date other girls besides her.

Jared and his mystery girl went up to the ring toss stand, and positioned themselves behind the counter with big colorful rings in each hand. Jared leaned towards the girl and whispered something into her ear, which almost made me go over there and hit him repeatedly over the head with one of those glass bottles. Liam just stood by, watching them and smiling like they were the cutest couple he has ever seen.

"Alright, now who wants to take on this lovely couple in the ring toss? We need one more player, anyone want to give a try?" The man with the long black hat called out, in a surprisingly clear, young voice.

I walked out from behind the statue and gave the man a bright one hundred watt smile. "I'll play,"

As soon as I spoke Jared turned to look at me with narrowed eyes. I gave him a little wave and walked right over to stand next to him. I picked up the colorful rings and held them in each hand, ready for the game to start.

Liam's eyes widened. "Oh God, Kait." He mumbled.

The man smiled at me. "Alright, let's get this game started."

"Do you guys know how to play the game?" The man asked.

We all nodded our heads. You have to throw the rings and try to get one to land around the bottles neck, right? Well, I have another target in mind.

The man clapped his hands. "Alright, guys. The one who gets the most rings to land on the bottle's wins, now go!"

I looked over at Jared, whose gaze was focused on the colorful bottles before us. He expertly flung the rings one by one, in an attempt to get one to land around the bottle's neck. We were greeted with tings as the rings bounced off the bottles.

I flung some rings carelessly, almost hitting the man in the colorful pants. He gave me a dark look and I gave him a sheepish grin in return.

Then I aimed my rings at Jared. I flung them in his direction with a great amount of force. I watched, pleased, as the rings bounced off of his jaw, forehead and nose.

He turned to me, his face flushed and blotchy. "What. Are. You. Doing.?" He fumed.

"Oh, you know, playing the game. I can't seem to win, I think my aim is off." I said nonchalantly as I flung another ring at Jared. This time it hit his left eye.

He became furious then and soon we were in an all out ring toss war. We were flinging rings left and right trying to hit each other and make the other stop. Eventually the man in the colorful pants became frustrated and pulled us apart with the help of Liam and the copper haired girl.

"Leave, I don't want to see you two at this stand ever again!" The man in the colorful pants growled at us.

I quickly walked away from the stand. I was satisfied with what I did. However, I didn't stop there. I kept following Jared and his date, and kept inflicting pain on him every game that we played. In the game where you make a balloon pop on the rotating clown head, I used the water gun to shoot Jared instead of the clown mouth. In the game where you hit the bell, I used the foam hammer to hit Jared instead of the platform. It went on like that for the rest of the night. I wanted him to have the worst time ever with his stupid date.

I went home feeling extremely proud of myself. Don't cheat on your girlfriend repeatedly because her best friend will surely get revenge. I think that's a great lesson to be learned.

Once a Cheater, Always a CheaterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz