Within minutes the major cuts were bandaged and the smaller ones had little plasters on them. Poppy cleaned the blood away from her eyes, nose and mouth with warm water. Louise was breathing heavier now and whimpering in pain, she made no effort to open her eyes or say anything but that was probably for the best. The blood made the whole room smell metallically and made me feel sick. 

"Let's get her into her bed," Rose said as she gently took hold of her legs. I supported her shoulders and head, and Poppy held her back. She whimpered again and held her stomach as we lifted her as slowly as we could. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd broken some ribs, he'd kicked her in the stomach, side, back and chest quite a few times. 

I blinked hard, trying to clear my blurry vision. I was still shaking slightly and terrified that he would come back down here. Would he finish what he started? Louise was alive now but for how long? I couldn't help thinking that cleaning her up was just a waste of time but there was no way we could just leave her, we needed to at least try. 

We got her into the bed and gently lifted up her top. I gasped as I saw the dark red and purple marks that covered her chest, she must have broken ribs. "Poppy can you get the painkillers Clover brought down for Lily?" Rose asked as she examined Louise's broken body further. I looked at Rose confused. "We said you were ill last night, he brought you some painkillers," she explained. I nodded numbly and stroked Louise's hair. 

We pulled the cover over her and put the pills beside her bed so when she woke up she could take them. "What are we going to do?" I asked them both as we all sat watching her sleeping. 

Rose sighed, "I'm not sure." She sounded so helpless and it scared me to death. 

Poppy must have sensed something was wrong with us as she grabbed both our hands and squeezed gently. "We'll think of something, we just need to stick together." She didn't convince us or herself but we both nodded and smiled at her. All we had was each other. 

We stayed sitting on the side of Louise's bed for almost two hours, he didn't come back down as I thought he might. Rose left the room to clean up the kitchen so it was just me and Poppy left in that room watching her broken body breathe in and out in shallow breaths. 

"Do you think she's going to d-die?" I whispered, stuttering over the word die. Louise couldn't die, I'd only known her a few hours but down here that seemed like years, she understood what I was feeling, and she called me Summer, most of all she didn't deserve to die. 

Poppy shrugged, "I'm not sure. She has so many injuries and lost quite a bit of lot of blood but she seems to be doing okay." I smiled at her latest attempt to make things seem better than they were and give us all hope. 

I wiped away a fresh tear that was rolling down my cheek and took a deep breath. I wasn't going to let her die; I'd stay here all day and night looking after her until she got better. We just needed to find a way of getting more pain medication down here, all we have is four tiny pills that wouldn't even last one whole day! Maybe I can pretend to have a headache or something and get him to bring more pills down. 

"Poppy we need more," I said, holding up the little white pills. "She's going to be in so much pain when she wakes up." I blinked again to clear my vision; something I seem to have to do a lot down here. The thought of her lying here in pain for weeks before she started healing was awful. 

"I know. We'll get Rose to talk to him, maybe she can explain that Heather was just scared and didn't think about what she was doing. She has the best chance of convincing him to help her." I nodded in agreement, he did seem to like Rose the most, maybe because she has been here the longest and won't say a bad word against him! Whatever the reason I didn't really care, I wasn't the favourite and that was all that mattered to me. 

Lewis would always tell me I was his favourite person in the world. I smiled as I remembered the first time he said that to me; I thought he meant I was his favourite girlfriend! He laughed his head off and teased me for weeks for thinking it, although it really wasn't funny at the time! I knew he would never cheat on me though. I wonder if I never get out of here if he'll find someone else? How long will it be before he thinks I'm dead and moves on? That thought hurt more than anything. Selfishly, I didn't want him to be with someone else, I wanted him to wait but then I didn't want him to be alone and unhappy for the rest of his life. 

Poppy left the room to talk to Rose and see what they can do to convince him to help Louise. I held her hand and watched helplessly as she took quick shallow breaths, occasionally she would make tiny croaking noises, like she was fighting for breath. "Please hold on Louise," I whispered, stroking her hand gently. 

She didn't move at all, if it wasn't for her chest rising and falling and the strange little noises she was making you would think she was dead. She looked dead. The bruises on her face and arms were getting darker; every inch of her skin was black, red and purple. Her face was so swollen now that I was surprised she could still breathe at all. The cuts on her lips had stopped bleeding, leaving dried blood behind, I didn't want to leave her to get tissue and water so I'd have to wait until Rose or Poppy came back in. 

We cleaned Louise up again once they both came back. Most of her cuts had stopped bleeding apart from the big one on the side of her head so we changed the bandage, making sure it was tight against her head. It wasn't bleeding as much but slowly the white bandage turned red, I was really worried though, what if it doesn't stop bleeding soon? 

"I'll talk to him alone when he comes down, you all stay in here and make sure you hide those pills, he thinks you've had them Lily," Rose said, looking anxious. She was worried about what he was going to do, we all were. 

After half an hour we heard the cellar door open, I jumped and gripped Louise's hand. Rose quickly left the room and I held my breath. Poppy moved to the door to listen and I stayed with Louise. "I can't hear," she whispered, pressing her ear harder to the door. I closed my eyes and prayed that Rose could get through to him. 

A full hour later we heard the cellar door again, Poppy ran back to the bed and we watched the bedroom door waiting for Rose. She walked in smiling. "It's alright," she said happily. 

"What?" I said in shock. It's alright? He wasn't coming back for her? Poppy's mouth hung open in shock, none of us actually believed he would leave it. 

She sat down at the end of the bed. "I explained that she was scared, that she thought that he was going to kill all of us and was just trying to protect us. He started mumbling for about ten minutes, I couldn't understand a word of what he said." She shuddered and continued, "Eventually I managed to convince him that she didn't know what she was doing, that she hadn't understood that we're a family." I clenched my jaw, we are not a family and we never would be! 

"So he's going to help her?" Poppy asked, still clearly stunned. 

Rose bit her lip, "He's agreed to letting us help her. He won't be bringing any medication down for her as punishment." I sat there frozen. He's going to leave her here in pain? 

"Okay, well it will be fine. We'll look after her, she'll heal in time. It's going to be okay." Poppy looked like she believed her words that time and I did too. It was going to be horrible, she was going to be in pain for a while but she would eventually heal. 


:O He didn't kill her!!!

The new cover was made by Carmen4603 thank you hun it's awesomazing! haha!

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