chapter two: victorious

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Brooklynn missed waking up from her Father's booming voice. It was somehow better than her Mother's carefree whispers.

It was Brooklynn's first day at Kildare County High. She was no longer able to afford private school. 

Brooklynn had previously gone to Kildare Academy, which was a private school for kooks only.

Kildare County High was the same school JJ, Kiara and Pope went to. Brooklynn was somewhat excited that her classmates wouldn't consist of rich misogynistic assholes.

Pulling on a blue halter top and a white skirt, Brooklynn texted Pope and asked if he wanted a ride to school. Pope was the only Pogue that Brooklynn hadn't recently argued with.

Pope responded within five minutes of Brooklynn's initial text, claiming that Kiara was going to drive him.

Pope asked if Brooklynn wanted a ride with Kiara as well. It was obvious JJ was going to be there so Brooklynn declined. She wasn't sure where she wanted her relationship with him to go.

Nevertheless, she heard a honking sound coming from her driveway. Fucking Kiara. Grabbing her school bag, she hopped into the passenger seat.

"Morning," Kiara sighed, not caring about sounding polite.

Brooklynn didn't bother to answer, sending Kiara a small smile that wasn't returned. Brooklynn spotted JJ and Pope in the backseat.

JJ looked out the window, not paying attention to his girlfriend. Pope attempted to start a conversation with the group, but Brooklynn tuned him out.

"Too early for that right now, Pope," JJ told him.

Brooklynn's breath hitched as JJ spoke up. She hoped he wasn't too angry at her, even though he didn't really have the right to be.

As they arrived at the school and Kiara put the car into park, everybody (minus JJ, who lazily brought a single binder) grabbed their backpacks and stepped out of the car.

As soon as the other students saw their faces, chatter erupted. Did the four Pogues aid John B in the murder of Sheriff Peterkin? What was Brooklynn Clementine, kook princess, doing here?

"I feel like people are staring at us," Kiara mentioned.

JJ took a look around before confirming, "Oh yeah."

The quartet stopped in their tracks, observing their fellow students, whose eyes wouldn't leave them.

Pope, who was beginning to get annoyed, said; "Guys, I can't be late."

Without taking a last look at his friends, Pope walked forward and towards the school.

"Me neither," Brooklynn muttered, hurrying up to Pope's side.

𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ~ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now