n i n e : v a n i s h i n g

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Thank you to these people who responded to my request last time and checked out my Wattys entry work: @BeautyMe101, lol-laurin , and Chene99 :)
Dear Wren,

It all went falling down one Friday morning. I was at the parking lot, with Evie Henderson and Claudia Chen, the girl friends I met through you, and Alex Gretzky, Evie's boyfriend. You got held up at Chemistry, so we were all waiting for you for that double-date we've been planning to go to two weeks earlier.

My eyes were trained on the school entrance, wishing you'll come out soon for I was hungry, and Claudia won't stop complaining about being the fifth wheel while popping out a bubblegum in the process. Evie excused herself to the bathroom a while ago and for all I knew, Claudia was annoying her as well.

'So, how are you and Wren going?' Alex asked conversationally. I told him fine with a small smile. He told me you used to talk about me a lot, that you're whipped and all your teammates were making fun of you about it. My smile grew wider, giddy for the reciprocated adoration.

'It's the sex, isn't it?' He asked rather pointedly direct. I faltered on my thoughts, wondering about how much you told them in your locker room talks. A word was on my lips when he spoke under his breath. 'Damn! Why does Anderson always get the finest girls?' I thought the compliment was on me, but when I looked up, his gaze was locked the other way. At you and Angela, laughing and talking at the entrance.

What hurt was you saw me watching, and yet there was neither a bit of apology nor guilt in your eyes. You just made your way over slowly to me, pecked me on the lips, and hung your arm on my shoulders. But even then, you felt so far away. I felt so far away, suddenly drowned up at the piercing realization that I'll never truly be good enough for you. In the eyes of other people and in mine.

I looked around and caught a lot of them watching. Most with plain curiosity and interest. But then, there was Jake and an unfamiliar girl he was with, who were staring back at me with a different emotion in their eyes-sympathy, as if they knew what was going on. And it was so brutally intense I had to look away.

At the end of our double-date, Alex secretly slipped me his phone number, telling me to call him when trouble in paradise struck us. I asked him how were things with Evie, and he gave me a one-shouldered, bored shrug.

It was you I called later that night, but you never picked up. Monday was when we saw each other again, when I pulled you by the collar and kissed you full-on in the middle of the hallway. You responded-thank goodness!-before you broke us apart and looked at me like I had gone insane.

I was desperate to prove and pretend nothing has shifted between us. Thank you for going along with it.

Hello there! So i got like three major exams on monday, and I'm feeling so stressed right now. I only got to post this since i remembered i haven't given you anything last week. On a lighter note, I can finally ask you this question: Why do you think they broke up?

I was honestly about to tell you, but i just needed this one final build-up.
To be revealed next update. Ciao!

P.s and in case no one told you today, you are beautiful.

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