"But I am feeling hurt when he does that. Actually, not hurt. I am just confused because I don't know what to think and what to not. Will there be any book by which I know about this?" I asked them hopefully.

"What happened Nisha? You were so strong, until now, but we are seeing nothing but vulnerability." Rajeev said hugging me.

"Because I am not strong. I... I think I should do something. I should stay away from him a little, maybe." I said looking at them.

"No! Just be like how you are with him. It is not our place to ask the details, but don't forget that we will be here whenever you need us." Pavani said, and I nodded.

We stayed in her room watching some movies, and then they dropped me at Ayesha's school.

My mood was good, by the time I met her and we both went to the home. I started cleaning the living room to keep these thoughts away from me.

He reached in the evening, and I smiled at him, but he just nodded. I shrugged, not thinking anything and continued to study at the dining table.

"Here!" he said, returning from his shower and placed some papers in front of me.

"What are these?" I asked him.

"Applications for other courses. You can do it online though, so just fill them." He replied, and I nodded.

"Are you fine?" he suddenly asked.

I looked at him, surprised and then scolded myself from my stupidity. I know what he is feeling when I glance at him, so he too knows that right.

"I am fine." I replied nodding.

"Do you miss her?" I asked him suddenly.

"Indu?" he asked back, and I nodded.

"I think it is better not to talk about that subject." He replied.

"Ok! It is your wish." I mumbled and started filling the application.

"She was my first love." He slowly said, sighing and my pen stopped from moving.

"I never knew." I said not glancing at him.

"It is not a surprise because I was 20 when I met her, and I can't have fallen in love before that right." He said, and I nodded.

"Say it started with an infatuation and then likeness. But suddenly, two years before all this happened, she started acting weird, and I even forgot my love for her." He continued, and I glanced up.

"How can love be forgotten in the first place?" I asked him frowning.

"I don't know! I just never felt the same being with her. I guess these are the questions which can never have answers." He replied.

"I wish!" I mumbled.

"What?" he asked, looking at me.

"I wish that I have fallen in love." I replied honestly and gave him the applications.

I finished cooking and then sat calmly, even while dinner. In our room, I lay down on my side, and he too did the same.

But after a few minutes, he pulled me into his arms and I snuggled closer missing this when I tried to sleep before he pulled.

I held his shirt in my fist and whispered "I wish!"

He placed a small kiss on my forehead and drifted off into sleep.

The next day I woke up before him and walked inside Ayesha's room to wake her up.

"Do you miss your Mom?" I suddenly asked while getting her ready.

"You are my Mom." She replied frowning.

"Thanks for that dear. But I am asking about Indu Mom." I said hugging her.

"I miss her." She said, and I nodded at her.

It's like one blow after blow I guess. For the first time, I am actually feeling selfish to even think like this.

She was the family and I just took her place. I shouldn't feel like this, but what am I feeling in the first place.

Oh yes! I am feeling jealous. I am so stupid! I chanted to myself while getting ready.

"Good morning!" He said entering the dining hall, and I was so busy in my chanting that I didn't say anything back.

"Want to go somewhere like some vacation?" he asked looking at me.

"No!" I replied in short and curt.

"I mean I am very busy this month with all the studies, so I can't take anymore leaves." I explained, and he nodded.

"In a few months, you will have a PG degree in your hands right?" he asked and I nodded.

"Bye!" I said, getting up when Ayesha left to bring her bag.

He too stood up and moved towards me making me look at him confused.

"I am not emotional." He mumbled and pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed him back like in the hotel and step back when he released. Someway those words didn't make me sigh in relief or anything.

"Ok!" I mumbled.

"Ok?" he asked, frowning.

"I don't know what else to say." I replied frowning.

"How I wish you can understand." He mumbled to himself.

Suddenly, I felt angry because he just made me feel how I felt yesterday like an inexperienced one.

"Then maybe it is your fault that you don't know how to make me understand." I said angrily and walked out holding Ayesha's hand.

I smiled at her when she looked at me frowning, and she smiled back. Without her, I would have gone insane for sure.

I thought holding her hand secured in my hands.


So next chap onwards you will see our Sudhir trying to be romantic, well he will try atleast.

be supportive because he is definitely not that good at that but he can do anything for our Nisha.... ;)

And is it wrong for Nisha to be confused??? What are your views...

And i am sure it is not wrong for Sudhir to be honest regarding Indu because come on he stayed with her 2yrs of engagement and 6yrs of marriage so there will be love right....

How is the chap guys??

Comment plz and vote....

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