Pressing On

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I pulled up to our new house and grabbed our bags from the backseat,Olivia had already run inside to explore. I was so happy for her I knew she was probably extremely bored,and wanted to start school already which is why I was enrolling us for Milton High School. I know I had other reasons for coming here,like the fact that I wanted to see the Cullens again just to see if they were still here which apparently thanks to Alice they were.

Surprisingly this sparked new anger within me. Why hadn't they looked for me,the people I used to call my family. Why hadn't SHE looked for me the one person in the world whom I had been closer to than ever before. Alice.


"Guys I met some new vampires!"

Everyone looked at me with looks that said okay-so-what. Of course no one else understood my excitement so I ran to Rose.

"Rose!"I screamed grabbing her hands and jumping up and down."Rose,these new vampires are way into fashion I mean like WAY into fashion,they were wearing clothing that weren't coming out for weeks."

"And you introduced yourself right,instead of standing off to the side and staring at them like a psycho right?" Rose asked.

"Yeah definitely,but I couldn't see their futures so they probably didn't even know I was there.

"Wait." Edward interrupted."You couldn't see their futures,that has never happened with you with vampires before has it?"

I shook my head no and replied,"no the only time that's happened was when I tried to find the wolves."

"What did you say these girls names were again?"

I scoffed at Edward,I knew he could perfectly remember our conversation from earlier,but told him again for the everyone else's benefit."I said that their names were Isabella and Oliv-"

"Isabella." Was all he said before he ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door.

I walked over to where Jasper was seated on the love seat and sat down in his lap I looked into his eyes for what seemed like forever until I felt a vibration underneath me. Jasper's eyes filled with lust and I playfully shoved him saying,"wow Jazz it was my phone."

I pulled out my phone to see that Isabella had texted me.

Hey Alice it's me Isabella,the blonde from earlier anyways I just wanted to say that 10 tomorrow would be great. Text back if that's okay with you.

I laughed when she said "the blonde from earlier" as If I wouldn't remember her aside from her AMAZING outfit she was extremely beautiful,even prettier than Rose.

Suddenly a new vision came to me,Edward had heard what I had thought and he had told Rose,she'd stormed out. I gasped and said loud enough for him "Edward don't you dare or so help me I will throw all your car's off of a cliff!" I laughed when he growled in response. 'I texted her back saying that it was fine with me' me'. Then I grabbed Jasper's hand and pulled him upstairs,this was going to be a long night.


I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing profusely. Along with the gift to absorb other powers I had regained the ability to sleep,unfortunately when I sleep it cancels out the ability to hold my changed appearance.

I quickly ran downstairs and opened the door for Alice,and was surprised to see that HE had also decided to go shopping with us.

"Sorry I overslept,I completely lost track of time!"

"Oh don't worry that's fine,umm this is my brother Edward he decided that he would like to tag along I hope that's okay with you."

I gave her a quick nod and ran upstairs to wake up Olivia. When I reached her room she was sprawled across her bed with her pillows burying her body.

"Olivia sweetheart, it's time too wake up."

I was met with about half a dozen pillows hitting me in the face. So this I how she wanted to play. I walked over to her bed and stripped her of her comforter.

"Mom seriously"she whined.

"Olivia Ryleigh Hayes get up right now or so help me..."

I didn't have to finish my sentence when she shot up and trudged towards to bathroom. She muttered some words that were too low for even me to hear. Nonetheless I said "I heard that" and walked back to my room heading towards my walk in closet.

Alice was right I had acquired quite a great taste in clothing over the years, but I couldn't take all the credit I had to admit that although we had had a rough start Jane had been a major fashion influence.

I pulled out a royal blue spaghetti strap tank top and accompanied it with with sheer white shirt with faint zebra print designs. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and finally topped off my outfit with a pair of white high tops and some silver hoop earrings. I walked into the bathroom and quickly applied some make-up. I ran my fingers through my hair to give it that tousled look and adjusted my scent to make it more appealing.

I walked out of my room and into Olivia's checking on her. She also had on tank top but it was green and was covered by a black crop top jacket. She completed her outfit with some dark blue capris and sparkly silver vans. She had also let her hair flow down to her back,but had braided a small part of her hair in the front to the side.

I walked over and pulled on one of her ringlets she turned and pulled me into a tight hug and whispered "I'm sorry". Lately I had sort of been wearing my heart on my sleeve and of course my daughter,the second person who could look at me and know that something was up so easily put two and two together.

I looked her in the eye and in voice low enough that even in this close proximity she almost didn't hear I told her "block your thoughts". She nodded and quickly understood she placed her hand to my face and showed me a vision of Edward's note to me and tilted her head towards where THEY were waiting.

I grabbed her hand and we walked through the doorway towards the stairs. As we got closer I pulled Olivia behind me and entered the living room. As if on cue Edward and Alice turned and stood up. I grabbed my purse and opened the door gesturing for them to come on.

I walked out last,lost in thought as I worried about being confronted by Edward. Although I was a blonde I still looked like Bella if anyone knew me well enough they would immediately know who I was.

I knew that when we started shopping we would be asked about why their gifts didn't work on us,and I would have to tell them that I was a shield,among other things. Of course that would lead to them asking me what I meant by 'among other things' and I would have to tell them about my powers. And honestly I didn't know what the hell I had gotten myself into.


So yeah my story so far has 2 reads and they weren't even from me thank you to whoever decided to give my story a chance!!!

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